वार्ता:मा परिवार सेना
विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से
[बदलें] Language and links
Kingram, your contributions to the Hindi wikipedia are very laudable, but I have to point out that the langauge of this article is very hard to understand for the average Hindi speaker. My primary objective for the edit was to improve the language.
I understand your concern that my edit had too many redlinks, what we can do to remedy that is link to english articles as [[:en:Articlename|हिन्दी में नाम]], till we have Hindi articles, but English names do not look very well on the Hindi wikipedia either. -- दाढ़ीकेश ०३:०१, ६ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- I have phased in your language after a revert to remove redlinks.I merely used two editing windows to c+p my war times paragraph and your samarthan paragraph.राजा रामबात करो ०३:३९, ६ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)