出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
「天国のアナクレオンへ」(英語: To Anacreon in Heaven)は、ロンドンのアマチュアミュージシャンが定期的にコンサートを行っていた、Anacreotic Society の公式ソングであった。Anacreotic Society の弁護士、医者、他のプロフェッショナルの面々はギリシャの紀元前6世紀の詩人アナクレオンにちなみ、クラブの名前を付けた。アナクレオンの詩は女性、ワイン、享楽、エロスなどを賛美している。
ソサエティのメンバーだった、ジョン・スタフォード・スミスによって1760年代中盤に作曲、ソサエティの会長だったラルフ・トムリンソンによって作詞された。1778年・1779年、ロンドンの Longman & Broderip によって最初に発表された。
下品で大酒飲みを歌った歌詞のためにロンドンで人気を博し、また "Adams and Liberty" や "Jefferson and Liberty." と行った愛国的な新しい歌詞を付けて、イギリス、アメリカで流行した。
[編集] 歌詞
- 1
- To Anacreon in Heav'n,
- Where he sat in full glee,
- A few Sons of Harmony
- Sent a petition
- That he their Inspirer
- And Patron would be;
- When this answer arrived
- From the Jolly Old Grecian:
- "Voice, Fiddle, and Flute,
- No longer be mute,
- I'll lend you my name
- And inspire you to boot,
- Chorus
- And besides I'll instruct you,
- Like me, to intwine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus's Vine."
- 2
- The news through Olympus
- Immediately flew;
- When Old Thunder pretended
- To give himself airs.
- "If these Mortals are suffered
- Their scheme to pursue,
- The devil a Goddess,
- Will stay above stairs.
- Hark, already they cry,
- In transports of joy,
- 'Away to the Sons
- Of Anacreon we'll fly,
- Chorus
- And there with good fellows,
- We'll learn to intwine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus' Vine.
- 3
- "The Yellow-Haired God
- And his nine fusty Maids
- From Helicon's banks
- Will incontinent flee,
- Idalia will boast
- But of tenantless shades,
- And the bi-forked hill
- A mere desert will be.
- My Thunder no fear on't,
- Shall soon do its errand,
- And dam'me I'll swing
- The Ringleaders I warrant.
- Chorus
- I'll trim the young dogs,
- For thus daring to twine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus's Vine."
- 4
- Apollo rose up,
- And said, "Pry'thee ne'er quarrel,
- Good King of the Gods,
- With My Vot'ries below:
- Your Thunder is useless"--
- Then showing his laurel,
- Cry'd "Sic evitabile
- Fulmen, you know!
- Then over each head,
- My laurels I'll spread,
- So my sons from your Crackers
- No mischief shall dread,
- Chorus
- While, snug in their clubroom,
- They jovially twine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus's Vine."
- 5
- Next Momus got up
- With his risible Phiz
- And swore with Apollo
- He'd cheerfully join --
- "The full tide of Harmony
- Still shall be his,
- But the Song, and the Catch,
- And the Laugh shall be mine.
- Then, Jove, be not jealous
- Of these honest fellows."
- Cry'd Jove, "We relent,
- Since the truth you now tell us:
- Chorus
- And swear by Old Styx,
- That they long shall intwine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus's Vine."
- 6
- Ye Sons of Anacreon,
- Then join hand in hand;
- Preserve Unanimity,
- Friendship, and Love!
- 'Tis yours to support
- What's so happily plann'd;
- You've the sanction of Gods,
- And the Fiat of Jove.
- While thus we agree,
- Our toast let it be:
- "May our Club flourish Happy,
- United, and Free!
- Chorus
- And long may the Sons
- Of Anacreon intwine
- The Myrtle of Venus
- With Bacchus's Vine."
[編集] 外部リンク
- Sons of Anacreon
- UVa Library: Exhibits: Lift Every Voice: Patriotic Odes
- Smithsonian: The Star-Sprangled Banner: The Story of the Flag: From Poem to National Anthem
- To Anacreon in Heaven(real audio, 1:08)
- An early copy of To Anacreon In Heaven
- Modern a capella version by Oak Ash & Thorn
- The Colonial Music Institute
カテゴリ: 歌 | アメリカ合衆国の文化