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Image:Kosovo relations.svg


Kosovo_relations.svg (የSVG ፋይል፡ በተግባር 2824 × 1434 ፒክስል፤ መጠን፦ 1.07 MB)

ይህ ፋይል ከጋራ ምንጭ (Commons) የተቀሰመ ነው። በማንኛውም ዊኪ ላይ ሊጠቅም ይቻላል።

በዚያ በፋይል መግለጫ ገጹ የሚታየው መግለጫ እንዲህ ይላል፦

██ Kosovo

██ States which formally recognise Kosovo as independent.

██ States which have stated they intend to recognise formally Kosovo as independent.

██ States with undecided, unclear or ambiguous positions.

██ States which have expressed disagreement with unilateral moves or expressed wish for further negotiations.

██ States which have stated they will not recognise Kosovo as independent.

██ States with no reported position at present.

Català / Valencià

██ Kosovo

██ Els Estats que formalment reconeixen a Kosovo com una nació independent.

██ Els Estats que han declarat que tenen l'intenció de reconeixer formalment a Kosovo com independent.

██ Els Estats que han retrasat o s'han expresat neutrals sobre el reconeixement de l'independència de Kosovo.

██ Els Estats que s'han expresat preocupats per els moviments unilaterals o s'han expresat dispostos a realitzar negociacions per reconeixer a Kosovo.

██ Aquells Estats que no reconeixen Kosovo com un país independent.

██ Estats sense una posició oficial respecte a aquets tema.


██ Kosovo

██ Státy, které oficiálně uznaly nezávislost Kosova

██ Státy, které přislíbily uznat nezávislost Kosova v dohledném čase

██ Státy, které vyjádřily v této otázce neutralitu, či nemají jasné stanovisko

██ Státy, které odmítají jednostranný krok a vyžadují další jednání

██ Státy, které oficiálně odmítly uznat nezávislost Kosova

██ Státy, které se nijak oficiálně nevyjádřily


██ Kosovo

██ Staaten, welche die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo formell anerkennen

██ Staaten, welche die Absicht bekundet haben, Kosovo formell als unabhängig anzuerkennen

██ Staaten, welche die Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo aufgeschoben oder darüber Neutralität bekundet haben

██ Staaten, die Bedenken über ein unilaterales Vorgehen oder den Wunsch nach weiteren Verhandlungen ausgedrückt haben

██ Staaten, die angekündigt haben, dass sie das Kosovo nicht als unabhänig anerkennen werden

██ Staaten ohne gegenwärtig bekannte Position


██ Kosovo

██ Los Estados que formalmente reconocen a Kosovo como independiente.

██ Los Estados que han declarado que tienen la intención de reconocer formalmente a Kosovo como independiente.

██ Los Estados que han retrasado o han expresado la neutralidad sobre el reconocimiento de la independencia de Kosovo.

██ Los Estados que han expresado la preocupación(el interés) por movimientos unilaterales o han expresado el deseo para remotas negociaciones.

██ Los Estados que han declarado que ellos no reconocerán a Kosovo como un país independiente.

██ Estados sin posición relatada actualmente.

עברית (Hebrew)

██ קוסובו

██ מדינות שמכירות בקוסובו כמדינה עצמאית באופן רשמי

██ מדינות שהכריזו שבכוונתם להכיר בקוסובו כמדינה עצמאית באופן רשמי בעתיד

██ מדינות שנמנעות מלהביע עמדה רשמית או שעמדתן נייטרלית כלפי הכרזת העצמאות של קוסובו

██ מדינות שהביעו אי-שביעות רצון מצעדים חד-צדדיים או שרוצות בהמשך משא-ומתן לפני נקיטת עמדה

██ מדינות שהכריזו שלא יכירו בקוסובו כמדינה רשמית

██ מדינות ללא עמדה רשמית

日本語 (Japanese)

██ コソボ

██ コソボを独立国として正式に承認した国家・地域。

██ コソボを独立国として正式に承認するつもりであると表明した国家・地域。

██ 立場が決まっていないか、不明瞭または曖昧な国家・地域。

██ 一方的な動きに同意しない事か、または更なる交渉を期待する事を表明した国家・地域。

██ コソボを独立国として承認しないつもりであると表明した国家・地域。

██ 現在の所、立場が報じられていない国家・地域。


██ Koszovó

██ Országok, amelyek formálisan elismerik Koszovó függetlenségét.

██ Országok, amelyek kijelentették, hogy el fogják ismerni Koszovót formálisan függetlennek.

██ Országok, amelyek még nem döntöttek, az álláspontjuk nem világos vagy bizonytalanok.

██ Országok, amelyek kifejezésre juttatták egyet nem értésüket az egyoldalú lépésekkel kapcsolatban, vagy további párbeszédet tartanak szükségesnek.

██ Országok, amelyek kijelentették, hogy nem fogják elismerni Koszovó függetlenségét.

██ Országok, amelyek idáig nem hozták nyilvánosságra álláspontjukat.


██ Kosowo

██ Państwa, które oficjalnie uznały niepodległość Kosowa.

██ Państwa, które zapowiedziały uznanie Kosowa w najbliższym czasie.

██ Państwa zwlekające lub wyrażające neutralność w sprawie uznania Kosowa.

██ Państwa, które chcą dalszych negocjacji lub zatroskane jednostronnymi posunięciami.

██ Państwa, które oficjalnie nie uznały Kosowa.

██ Państwa, które nie zajęły oficjalnego stanowiska.


██ Косово

██ Государства, формально признающие независимость Косово.

██ Государства, объявившие о том, что они собираются формально признать независимость Косово.

██ Государства, объявившие о нейтралитете или отложившие решение о признании независимости Косово.

██ Государства, объявившие свою озабоченность односторонним провозглашением независимости.

██ Государства, объявившие о том, что они не признают независимость Косово.

██ Государства, которые не определились.


██ Kosovo

██ Štáty ktoré formálne uznali Kosovo ako nezávislý štát.

██ Štáty ktoré oznámili uznanie Kosova ako nezávislého štátu v najbližšom čase.

██ Štáty vyčkávajúce, neutrálne a tie ktoré odložili rozhodnutie na neskôr.

██ Štáty ktoré vyjadrili nesúhlas s jednostranným rozhodnutím a štáty vyžadujúce ďalšie jednania.

██ Štáty ktoré oznámili že neuznávajú Kosovo ako samostatný štát.

██ Štáty ktoré sa doteraz nevyjadrili.


██ Kosova

██ Shtetet që e njohin zyrtarisht Kosovën si shtet.

██ Shtetet që do të njohin Kosovën si shtet.

██ Shtetet që kanë pozita dykuptueshëm apo asnjë pozitë.

██ Shtetet që përkrahin më shumë biseda sipas OKBs ose kundërshtojin hapa njëanshëm.

██ Shtetet që nuk e njohin Kosoven si e pavarur.

██ Shtetet që nuk ka informata për moment.

Српски / Srpski

██ Косово

██ Државе које су званично признале независност Косова и Метохије.

██ Државе које планирају да званично признају независност Косова и Метохије.

██ Државе које се одложиле одлуку o статусu Косова и Метохије или су изразиле неутралност по овом питању.

██ Државе које су изразиле неслагање са једностраним проглашењем независности или су изразиле жељу за даљим преговорима.

██ Државе које су изјавиле да неће признати независност Косова и Метохије.

██ Државе које се још нису изјасниле по овом питању.


from Kosovo relations.png




2008-02-19 - ongoing


AMK1211 and Mareklug (tracking changes in the PNG version and added Brunei and Northern Cyprus)

(Reusing this image)

Public Domain

Other versions
Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

In case this is not legally possible:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

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የፋይሉ ታሪክ

የቀድሞው ዕትም ካለ ቀን/ሰዓቱን በመጫን መመልከት ይቻላል።

ቀን /ሰዓትአቅራቢውክልሉ (በpixel)መጠንማጠቃለያ
ያሁኑኑ17:28, 5 ማርች 2008Gugganij2,824×1,4341.07 MB+Iceland, + Slovenia
19:52, 4 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.07 MB+Nicaragua+Uruguay
17:51, 4 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.07 MB+Zambia
16:07, 4 ማርች 2008Gugganij2,824×1,4341.07 MB+ minor edits
15:57, 4 ማርች 2008Robbertsh2,824×1,4341.04 MBWhoops, my bad. As I was saying, + The Netherlands. (Dutch source:
15:54, 4 ማርች 2008Robbertsh2,824×1,4341.04 MB+ The Netherlands
12:02, 4 ማርች 2008Gugganij2,824×1,4341.13 MB+Sweden
19:31, 1 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.13 MByou are using force i am using sources. fidel castro was elected as an advisor on foreign policy and raul castro vowed to listen to his views. it is all well sourced and removing it is now I have to say not misunderstanding but vandalism. It is not a matt
19:25, 1 ማርች 2008Mareklug2,824×1,4341.13 MBReverted to version as of 18:13, 1 March 2008 unmarked, unexplained crypto-rewerts is no way to build consensus. Again, take it up in the Village Pump and convince the community with persuasion, not force
18:56, 1 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.13 MB
18:28, 1 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.13 MBStates which have expressed disagreement with unilateral moves or >>>expressed wish for further negotiations<<<.
18:13, 1 ማርች 2008Mareklug2,824×1,4341.13 MBReverted to version as of 07:58, 1 March 2008 - POV EDITS on one Wikimedia project do not introducing mistakes in a shared Commons resource. Take it up in Commons Village Pump, if you have a case.
12:54, 1 ማርች 2008Avala2,824×1,4341.13 MBLight orange is for countries that support further negotiations. Chile calls on the parties concerned to achieve, by peaceful means, through dialogue and adherence to international law, a solution that respects the principles and purposes of the United Na
07:58, 1 ማርች 2008Gugganij2,824×1,4341.13 MBminor edits
06:30, 1 ማርች 2008Mareklug2,824×1,4341.13 MBtracking changed in PNG version. 2 corrections, based on NPOV reading of the Ministry of External Relations press releases of both India and Chile. Both positions are neutral in the extreme and do not fit the "light orange" category. Setting back to "kha
20:56, 29 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,823×1,4331.13 MBlaos, wp article
18:36, 29 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,823×1,4331.13 MBChile calls on the parties concerned to achieve, by peaceful means, through dialogue and adherence to international law, a solution that respects the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter.
10:22, 29 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,823×1,4331.13 MBtracking changes in PNG version. ++Ireland (dark blue, recognizes) :
21:22, 28 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MBMozambique
20:06, 28 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,820×1,4301.13 MBtracking changes in PNG version: +Iceland (light blue) : (transl. Icelandic government is set to recognize the independent state of Kosovo)
09:55, 28 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,819×1,4291.13 MBtracking changes in the PDF version. +Japan (light blue) :
23:57, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,819×1,4291.13 MBminor fixes
23:42, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,819×1,4291.13 MBtracking changes in PNG version: +Czech Republic (light blue, recognition imminent): +Macedonia (light blue, will recognize, while delaying for reasons of national interest; will follow position of EU and
22:16, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,819×1,4291.13 MBtracking changes in PNG version. ++Austria (president signs decree; last legal step; foreign ministry tasked wiht implementation)
18:50, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,818×1,4281.13 MB
18:11, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,818×1,4281.13 MBReverted to version as of 17:22, 27 February 2008. Bad idea, indicating *some* regional conflicts. See justification in the graphics lab discussion. besides, this information is not verified or reflected in the legend
17:24, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Yug2,821×1,4311.15 MBAdd of internal agitation in respectives countries. See en:Wikipedia:Graphic Lab/Images to improve
17:22, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,818×1,4281.13 MBtracking changes in the PNG version (++Switzerland, +Croatia, -Bosnia) officially taken state positions at this time.
15:44, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Petar Marjanovic2,822×1,4321.13 MB*English: {{legend|black|Kosovo}} {{legend|#0052ff|States which formally recognise Kosovo as independent.}} {{legend|#5fadff|States which have stated they intend to recognise formally Kosovo as independent.}} {{legend|#cdcd9c|States with undecided, u
01:01, 27 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,822×1,4321.13 MBNebojša Radmanović, member of the tripartite presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina will not recognise Kosovo independence and called Kosovo an internal matter of Serbia. Željko Komšić, presiding member of the presid
23:23, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,822×1,4321.13 MBReverted to version as of 22:29, 26 February 2008. We don't care what some even important politician (Serb or otherwise) said. The bloody government of Bosnia has not officially acted. Administrators! Help! See what Avala is doing on Commons and En Wiki.
23:09, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,822×1,4321.13 MBNebojša Radmanović, member of the tripartite presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina will not recognise Kosovo independence and called Kosovo an internal matter of Serbia.
22:29, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,822×1,4321.13 MBtracking changes in PNG version. reverting WP:OR/POV/false portrayal of facts. see: user talk:Avala and Commons Village Pump for 26 Feb 2008. changes, reflecting official positions of states: Bosnia (concerned, urging negotiation - light orange) Armen
17:10, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,821×1,4311.13 MBRS parliament decision has now effectively blocked Bosnia and Herzegovina from recognizing Kosovo
16:46, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,821×1,4311.13 MB+Iran, Paraguay
14:17, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,821×1,4311.13 MBsee talk
11:56, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,821×1,4311.13 MB+Poland
09:35, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,821×1,4311.13 MBminor edits (Antigua & Barbuda and St. Kitts & Nevis do not recognize Kosovo)
05:11, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,821×1,4311.13 MBPrevious upload mysteriously vanished w/o trace in file history. Perhaps I forgot to specify license and it was deleted automagically. Changed comment in code and increased size by 1 pixel in each dimmension. Should show: Poland in light blue, Armenia in
03:48, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,820×1,4301.13 MBmoved Poland from netural (khaki) to light blue (preparing formal recognition). Recognition immient later today (26 Feb 2008):
02:15, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,820×1,4301.13 MBReverted to version as of 00:25, 26 February 2008: User Avala vandalized current correct map by uploading a POV map that removed Northern Cyprus, placed Armenia among officially not recognizings countries, and removed Belgium from the officially recognizi
00:53, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MB
00:25, 26 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,820×1,4301.13 MBBased on version of 20080224171906. The 2 version since then are faulty/truncated (generate a parsing error on Commons in Opera 9.26) 1) +Belgia (recognized, king signed decree) 2)
23:39, 25 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MBArmenia not going to recognize Kosovo independence 25.02.2008
17:19, 24 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,820×1,4301.13 MBminor changes
12:43, 24 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MBJapan has not decided yet
11:51, 24 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MB
22:50, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,820×1,4301.13 MBminor
21:49, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,820×1,4301.13 MBminor
15:47, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,820×1,4301.13 MBminor
14:43, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Gugganij2,820×1,4301.13 MBminor edits
10:14, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Akhristov2,820×1,4301.13 MBDo not speculate about Ukraine. See enwiki article talk.
05:05, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug2,820×1,4301.13 MBtrackign light blue change for a darker shade in the PNG version: #5fadff; increased image size 2x. (to 2840 px width and 1430 px height)
04:43, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Kyrgyztan as not accepting per en wiki discussion.
04:12, 23 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Peru (recognized) and all the updates from the PNG version, from Brunei to Kuwait and Jordan, Montenegro, Croatia, India, Bangladesh, Jordan, Iraq, and Northern Cyprus. Current as of 22 February 2008, 23:00 CDT/USA
22:47, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Glentamara1,410×7151.13 MB{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
11:43, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala454×2001.05 MB
11:36, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala1,410×7151.13 MBneed to fix the empty space
11:35, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Avala2,753×1,5381.02 MBkyrgyzstan called all countries not to recognize unilateral move outside of the UN which is the position of Serbia, not neutral
09:08, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Uzbekistan marked as "neutral; not decided yet" (khaki) (in Russian)
08:56, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Tajikistan does NOT recognize Kosovo. (in Russian)
08:24, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Kyrgizstan moved to concerned from not recognizing per en wiki
08:04, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MB+Argentina (current as of 22 February 2008 3:00 CDT/USA)
07:59, 22 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Mareklug1,410×7151.13 MBupdated version of the same PD file
20:47, 21 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Glentamara1,410×7151.13 MBLuxembourg
20:44, 21 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Glentamara1,410×7151.13 MBUpdate again
20:42, 21 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Glentamara1,410×7151.13 MBUpdate
02:00, 21 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008Bogdan K1,410×7151.13 MBUpdated Ukraine
17:04, 20 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008AMK12111,410×7151.13 MBChanged colors based on further information
04:43, 20 ፌብሩዌሪ 2008AMK12111,410×7151.13 MB{{legend|#000000|Kosovo}} {{legend|#0080FF|States which formally recognize Kosovo as independent.}} {{legend|#88C4FF|States which have stated they intend to formally recognize Kosovo as independent.}} {{legend|#CDCD9C|States which have delayed or have exp

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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