نقاش:أبو الريحان البيروني
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
All information on this page is incorrect. He was persian and there is no doubt about it. Check with English wikipedia. It is clear and he has several books in Farsi. Khwarazm was one of the most important capitals of Persian Empire and Goverment through whole history. It is not in Pakistan. The people in Khwarazm still have some idea about Persian Language since it is in Turkmanistan. They are not Turk!!! Turks differ from Turkmans. Unfortunately the level of knowledge in Arabic Wikipedia is very very very poor. Especially about Persian stuff. There had been debated on Persian Gulf and other stuff. This is really shame that Arabs always are skeptical about Persian Scientists. Every thing is clear and the books are in Eroupian musiems. They are 100 percent in persian, Arabs cannot read them however after Islam, persians used to use arabic words as well.
البيروني ما كان عربا. هو ايراني. خوارزميون كانوا ايرانيون و كلموا بالفارسيه. ارجعوا الي ويكيبيديا انجليزيه