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Często spekuluje się, że kwalifikujące się na pilotów dzieci musiały kiedyś stracić matkę, której dusza ma zostać użyta jako dusza Evy (było to debatowane ze względu na prawdopodobieństwo, że Rei jest klonem Yui, i dlatego technicznie nie ma "matki", lecz niektórzy fani wierzą, że dusza Yui została podzielona pomiędzy Jednostkę 00 i Jednostkę 01. Jednostki 00 i 01 są prototypami, a Jednostka 02, która posiada już całą duszę jest pierwszą "oficjalną" jednostką Eva). Ta teoria pokrywa się ze zdolnością Rei i Shinji'ego do synchronizacji z obydwiema swoimi jednostkami. Inni uważają, że dusza Akagi Naoko została użyta na potrzeby Jednostki 00, co pokrywa się z tym, że Jednostka 00 próbowała zabić ludzi znęcających się wcześniej nad Naoko.
Bohater Neon Genesis Evangelion |
Rei Ayanami | |
Grafika | |
Wiek | 14 |
Urodziny | Nieznane[1] |
Płeć | Żeńska |
Relacje | Zmodyfikowany klon Yui Ikari, więc jest genetycznie "matką" Shinji'ego Ikari
Klony "Siostry": inne Rei w (Systemie Dummy Plug) Wcześniejszy opiekun: Gendo Ikari (teraz mieszka samotnie) |
Seiyū | Megumi Hayashibara |
Zobacz spis wszystkich bohaterów Neon Genesis Evangelion... |
Rei Ayanami (綾波レイ Ayanami Rei) to fikcyjna postać z serialu anime Neon Genesis Evangelion i filmów Evangelion: Death and Rebirth oraz End of Evangelion.
Rei Ayanami to Pierwsze Dziecko i pilot Jednostki 00. Jest wyobcowana i prawie z nikim się nie kontaktuje. Wyjątek stanowi Komendant Ikari, któremu Rei okazuje więcej lojalności, jednak ich stosunki nie są naprawdę tak bliskie na jakie wyglądają (Rei w 15 odcinku mówi, że "nie wie jakim człowiekiem jest Gendo", i wydaje się zdziwiona przekonaniem Shinji'ego o bliskości Rei do Ikari'ego). Rei mieszka samotnie w obskurnym mieszkaniu na obrzeżach Tokyo-3. Na końcu serialu Shinji mówi, że jej mieszkanie przypomina miejsce, które opisywała Ritsuko Akagi jako miejsce swoich narodzin.
Osobowość Rei wzbudza w serialu zainteresowanie nią, które później przekształca się w pogardzanie nią przez Asukę, która odnosi się do Rei używając słów takich jak "lalka" czy "marionetka". Rei jest przeciwieństwem Asuki, nie tylko w kwestii osobowości ale także pod względem wyglądu zewnętrznego. Asuka jesy wylewna, często ma wahania nastrojów; Rei odwrotnie, jest cicha i zawsze zachowuje spokój. Asuka ma czerwone włosy i niebieskie oczy a Rei niebieskie włosy i czerwone oczy. Kolory oczu i włosów obu dziewczyn mogą odnosić się do różnicy pomiędzy tym jak widziane są przez innych a jakie są ich prawdziwe uczucia: Rei jest często mylnie uznawana za nieuczuciową, a Asuka pod płaszczem swoich krzyków i emocjii ukrywa prawdziwe uczucia. Rei dzieli cechy wyglądu z Kaworu Nagisą - jasne włosy i blada cera oraz czerwone oczy, co może ukazywać ich "anielską" naturę. Niektórzy twierdzą, że Rei i Kaworu mają albinizm. Projektant postaci Yoshiyuki Sadamoto powiedział, że cechy wyglądu Rei miały oddzielić ją od reszty bohaterów serialu. Nie wspomina on jednak o żadnej z powstałych wśród fanów teorii. Rei opisuje kolor niebieski jako "przyjemny" a czerwony jako ten, którego "nienawidzi". Mówi, że nie lubi jeść mięsa ale nie określa się jako wegetarianka.
Spis treści |
[edytuj] Pochodzenie
Uwaga: W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.
Ważnym faktem jest, że pochodzenie Rei nie jest jednoznacznie określone w serialu, więc może ona nawet nie być całkowicie człowiekiem. Ritsuko Akagi mówi, że Rei została stworzona w pewnym pomieszczeniu głęboko pod główną kwaterą NERVu. Jej niejasne pochodzenie spowodowało powstanie wśród fanów bardzo wielu teorii na ten temat.
Kaworu wspomniał w jego jedynej rozmowie z Rei, że jest ona "taka sama" jak on. To zdanie zostało rozszerzone w wersji reżyserskiej tego odcinka, w którym Kaworu mówi, że Rei nosi w sobie duszę Lilith a on Adama. Jednak skoro został źle poinformowany przez SEELE o lokalizacji Adama, nie można być pewnym czy ta informacja jest prawdziwa. Z pewnością jest on w wielu aspektach podobny do Rei, co sugeruje, że mają oni wspólne pochodzenie.
Gendo Ikari przedstawia Rei załodze NERVu w 2010 roku jako dziecko swoich znajomych, którym teraz się opiekuje. Są jednak dowody, że Gendo stworzył ją, a napewno nadał jej imię; kiedy Yui Ikari była w ciąży z Shinjim Gendo powiedział, że gdyby narodziła się dziewczynka nazwałby ją "Rei". Red Cross Book mówi nam, że Rei została stworzona z "pozostałości" po Yui Ikari, po tym jak Yui została wchłonięta przez Jednostkę 01. Powiedziano, że Rei miała 14 lat w 2015 roku, tak jak każdy inny z kandydatów na pilotów Evangelionów, co wskazywałoby na to, że podczas eksperymentu kontaktowego z Jednostką 01 miała 4 lata, co prowadzi do rozbieżności w teoriach fanów co do jej prawdziwej daty urodzin. Wielu uważa, że w 2010 roku Rei miała 4 lata, a wtedy kiedy wszyscy uważają, że miała 14, naprawdę miała tylko 9. Inni uważają, że klony Rei zostały poddane sztucznemu starzeniu się. Nie ma dowodów na to czy NERV posiada technologię, która pozwoliła by na sztuczne starzenie, ani dlaczego dane na temat wieku Rei miałyby być ukrywane.
Jeśli Rei została stworzona rozważnie, to powody dla jej stworzenia nadal są dyskusyjne. Istnieje wiele hipotez na ten temat. Rei i Kaworu (oraz wiele ich klonów) mogli zostać stworzeni jedynie dla systemu Dummy Plug, a danie im dusz było jedynie mniej ważnym celem, lub nawet przypadkiem; Rei mogła zostać stworzona w celu ponownego spotkania Gendo i Yui, ponieważ umieszczenie duszy Lilith w ludzkie dziecięce ciało, którym łatwo można manipulować, umożliwiłoby Ikari'emu kontrolować Projektem Dopełnienia w ten sposób, że spełnił by się jego własny plan. Niezależnie od tego czy Rei jest jakimś rodzajem hybrydy czy nie, wykazuje unikatowe anielskie zdolności w poźniejszych odcinkach i filmach. W jaki sposób się to dzieje nie jest do końca wyjaśnione i istnieje na ten temat wiele spekulacji.
W anime nie ma silnych dowodów na związek pomiędzy Rei a Yui, istnieją jednak na to wskazówki: Shinji mówi Rei, że "byłaby dobrą matką" i później porównuje manipulacje Gendo Ikari'ego Yui i Rei. Naoko Akagi mówi, że Rei fizycznie przypomina Yui, sugerując związek genetyczny pomiędzy nimi; Rei i Yui mają tą samą seiyū; Rei i Yui mają również podobną fryzurę i wysokie czoła, Rei jest uznawana przez niektórych fanów jako częściowy klon Yui.
W ostatnim odcinku Neon Genesis Evangelion, pokazana zostaje alternatywna rzeczywistość z inną Rei. W przeciwieństwie do prawdziwego świata, Rei nie jest klonem, ani nie została stworzona z Yui Ikari. Jest ona w pełni człowiekiem. Jej osobowość również zostaje zmieniona, można powiedzieć, że na odwrotną: jest wesoła, nadaktywna i o wiele bardziej emocjonalna (przykładowo, wyraża zakłopotanie i złość, kiedy wydaje jej się, że Shinji patrzy jej pod spódnicę).
[edytuj] Powiązania
Niedługo przed przybyciem Shinji'ego do NERVu, Rei brała udział w testowej aktywacji Jednostki 00, która skończyła się katastrofą. Rei została ciężko ranna, a Gendo poparzył sobie ręce otwierając Entry Plug w celu uratowania Rei. Po tym zdarzeniu, Rei trzymała u siebie okulary komendanta Ikari'ego jako pamiątkę i coś w rodzaju symbolu jej lojalności w stosunku do niego. Kiedy Shinji wyrażał nieprzychylną opinię o swoim ojcu, Rei spoliczkowała go. Jej stosunek do Gendo zmienia się jednak wraz z poznawaniem przez nią Shinji'ego. Rei kilkakrotnie nie wykonuje poleceń komendanta, jednak pod koniec końca serialu mówi, że zabiłaby się gdyby tylko jej rozkazał. Rei właściwie sprzeciwia się wykonaniu rozkazów tylko narażając się na większe niebezpieczeństwo i poświęcając się w walce. Jednak tego dnia, w którym następuje Trzecie Uderzenie jej lojalność w stosunku do Gendo znika całkowicie. Rei niszczy okulary Ikari'ego, a później zdradza go uniemożliwiając mu przeprowadzenie Projektu Dopełnienia tak, jak tego chciał.
Although Rei at first treats Shinji as neutrally as she does any other stranger (with the possible exception of a certain post-shower scene that can be interpreted in "interesting" ways), she and Shinji break the ice after the battle against Ramiel. Rei slowly grows closer to Shinji as the series progresses, though their classmates seem to think that their feelings are obvious to everyone except themselves; Rei doesn't realize that she cares about Shinji until Toji Suzuhara tells her. She later notes that Shinji is the only person to whom she has ever said "thank you." These feelings between Rei and Shinji are suspected by some fans to be familial rather than romantic, due to the suspected genetic link with Yui. Their association lasts until Armisael partially fuses with Rei and attempts to fuse with Shinji. At this point, Rei realizes that she loves (or more specifically "wants to become one with") Shinji, but afterward, she cannot remember this revelation and Shinji begins to fear what she might be. The common explanation for this scene is that the Rei that Shinji meets after the battle with Armisael is a new Rei clone who replaced the one who died in the battle. A simpler alternative is that Rei is simply suffering from normal Eva-related memory loss, as happened to Shinji in the fight against Sachiel.
When Asuka arrives in Tokyo-3 and speaks to Rei for the first time, she suggests becoming friends "because it would be convenient," to which Rei replies that she would only become Asuka's friend if ordered to. Asuka repeatedly jokes about and pries into Rei and Shinji's relationship, and may view Rei as competition for Shinji's attention. Toward the end of the series, Asuka views Rei as an obedient, emotionless doll, and hates Rei as such because of extremely traumatic childhood events, one involving a doll. However, Rei still attempts to help Asuka by advising her about her Eva and later rescuing her from Arael, which only damages Asuka's ego and makes her hate Rei even more.
Ritsuko also does not view Rei as a person, and feels that Gendo somehow rejected her in favor of Rei, in a sense; her jealousy over "losing" to a "thing" becomes thinly veiled hatred towards her, and she takes her anger out on the Rei clones by destroying them. Rei does not express any animosity toward her, just as with Asuka.
Rei has only one conversation with Kaworu (not counting the one that images of them both have with Shinji in End of Evangelion), during which he seemed quite friendly but she regarded him with confusion and suspicion more than anything else.
[edytuj] Clones and Dummy Plugs
Dozens of soulless clones of Rei are kept in a tank in the lower levels of NERV headquarters, and are said by Ritsuko to be the cores of the dummy plugs. Rei is seen spending unknown lengths of time in an LCL-filled tube underneath a structure resembling a giant brain in the dummy-system room, and it is suggested that Rei's memories and/or personality traits are copied onto the clones during this time. The ending credits of every episode in this series also depicts Rei floating listlessly in liquid, but whether or not this is LCL (as if she's "floating for the day") or just a random symbolism is up for debate.
Ritsuko also refers to Rei's clones as "spare parts;" this probably means that Rei's body parts can be replaced if they become too badly damaged in combat. Rei herself, in heavy bandages after the battle against Armisael, but possessing neither memories of nor injuries from the battle, says "I think I must be the third one," thus spawning the theory that she can be replaced entirely, with her soul being transferred to a clone body every time she dies (and her memories having been transferred ahead of time). The canon Red Cross Book supports this theory. Other supporting evidence in the anime include her earlier line that "if I die, I can be replaced" (though she may mean replaced by a different pilot, as Asuka was replaced by Kaworu). This theory holds that Rei I, the very first, is murdered by Naoko Akagi in 2010; Rei II, who may not have appeared until as late as 2014 (when she is transferred to Tokyo-3's Class 2-A), dies when she sacrifices herself and Unit 00 to destroy Armisael; and Rei III is the version seen from the second half of Episode 23 through to End of Evangelion.
There exists a minority of viewers who doubt the authority of the Red Cross Book, and some of them believe that Rei never died in the TV series and has never been fully replaced as described above, often finding simpler explanations for evidence presented in the series (see memory loss argument above and rapid healing argument below). They have also pointed out evidence against the replacement theory. For example, Gendo's excessive concern for Rei's physical safety, as noted by Fuyutsuki, would make extremely little sense if Rei could be resurrected so easily. Additionally, Dummy systems were ordered to be put into the entry plugs for Units 01 and 02. If the core of every dummy plug is a clone of Rei, no less than five Rei bodies must be located outside of the clone tanks for the replacement theory to be correct. In Episode 23, the controller that Ritsuko uses to destroy the clones in the dummy system clearly indicates that "Rei 004" and onwards are still inside the tanks, meaning that only three (or possibly four if there was a Rei 000) have been removed, not five or more. The evidence in favor of Rei having died can be easily explained by other means; for example, her rapid healing as demonstrated in End of Evangelion would account for injuries from the battle against Armisael having healed by the time the bandages were removed. The only major counterarguments against this logic depend on either the possibility that Rei's replacement bodies come from somewhere other than the clone tanks (which would make memory transfers somewhat less easy), or the possibility that the Rei clones are not contained within the dummy plugs, but are the "core" of the system in some other way. The latter possibility would have Rei 001-003 being Rei I-III, rather than being Rei and the cores of two dummy plugs, while the former can optionally be expanded by saying that Rei's replacement bodies are not even created until after a death, and are artificially aged by 14 years in a few hours.
[edytuj] Unit 00
As a pilot, Rei's synchronization ratios are unspecified, but are normally not as high as Asuka's or Shinji's. While both Shinji and Asuka are thought to synchronize with the souls of their mothers, which were absorbed into the Evas during contact experiments, Rei has no known mother and Unit 00 is not known to have been part of any contact experiments, thus raising questions about whose soul is in Unit 00. A simple possibility is that Rei did have a mother and Unit 00 was involved in a contact experiment with her, but this is unlikely and doesn't account for certain phenomena unique to Unit 00, as explained below. It has been speculated by some viewers that if Rei is a partial clone of Yui, then Yui's soul might have been divided between Unit 00 and Unit 01. This would account for Rei and Shinji's ability to synchronize with each other's Evas in Episode 14. The theory could also conceivably coincide with the fact that both Unit 00 and Unit 01 went 'berserk' at least once during the series, but Unit 02 never did (not counting a speculated few seconds in combat against the Sixth Angel or the last few seonds of its life in End of Evangelion). Hypothetically, an Evangelion that isn't supported by a full soul would not be as effective or stable.
During Rei's first synchronization test with the Eva, mental dissonance appeared to result from the contact between Rei and Unit 00; the Eva went out of control and seemed to attack Gendo. This problem, however, seemed to sort itself out. Later, when Unit 00 was activated with Shinji inside, the same thing happened, this time with Rei seeming to be the target. From this, some fans have speculated that the soul within Rei's Eva is that of Naoko Akagi, who has reason to hate Gendo (see Naoko Akagi for information on her relationship with Gendo) and already tried to kill Rei once. This theory is believed by other fans to be inaccurate for various reasons. One such reason is that Ritsuko believed herself to be the target of Unit 00's attacks, which raises the question of who would want to attack her (though her mother might conceivably attack her for her relationship with Gendo).
The distorted image of Rei that Shinji encounters within Unit 00 during the mutual compatibility experiment is sometimes believed to be Rei I. The Red Cross Book supports the idea that the soul of Rei I is present in Unit 00, and is seeking revenge against the daughter of its killer, though this would require at least Rei I and Rei II to each have a separate soul, which would contradict Ritsuko's statement that the clones are soulless vessels. The distorted image also has breasts, making it unlikely to be the soul of a prepubescent child (as Rei I would have been at the time of her death)
Innumerable other possibilities exist. For example, Unit 00 might have the soul of Lilith (if Rei doesn't already have it), or the soul of a random unnamed NERV employee who volunteered to be a guinea pig, or its own unique soul that didn't come from anyone else, or simply no soul at all. It's possible that Rei might have once had her own soul, but was absorbed into Unit 00, and the soul of Lilith was put into Rei's body to keep her alive. The show's creator might not even have had any particular soul in mind for Unit 00. No direct, official statement has been made regarding Unit 00's soul.
[edytuj] Rei's Poem
Rei's poem is a phrase used by some fans to describe a monologue given by Rei in the 14th episode of the TV series. It is not necessarily an actual poem, and may simply be Rei's comments on random images that Unit 01 is showing her. The contents of the speech in the English dubbed version differ somewhat from those of the original monologue.
Fans sometimes speculate about who Rei is referring to as a "woman who never bleeds". The most commonly believed possibilities are Lillith, because she has LCL instead of blood, and Rei herself, who has normal blood and may be making a reference to menstruation. The idea that Rei does not menstruate may be visually hinted at during part of her conversation with Armisael. When Armisael, appearing as Rei, is shown standing waist-deep in LCL, a dark streak (suspected to be blood) seems to be coming from her groin, and the "flow" increases sharply during that part of the conversation. This is extremely easy to miss due to the similarity in color between the streak itself and the shadow that Armisael is casting over it. The reasons for Rei's possible infertility are a mystery, but may be connected to her origins or to the pills that are shown on top of her mini-refrigerator.
The teachings of Abrahamic religions, like Christianity and Islam often describe 'womans' pains' (labour pains and menstruation) as the punishment inflicted on woman kind after Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. Lillith was created before Eve, so it is possible she was exempt from womans' punishment, having already been punished (banished from Eden, never to die and enter heaven, and so forth) for refusing to submit to Adam. However, fans are generally of the opinion that the religious symbolism in Evangelion is purely superficial, making this suggestion unlikely. It's also inconsistent with the idea, held by some of the show's more unusual fans, that Lillith menstruates LCL instead of bleeding it from an injury.
[edytuj] Manga version
In the manga, Rei is somewhat more "human", in the sense that she responds to human contact more readily. Shinji's interactions with her are implied as the main reason of her change. Indeed, it is strongly hinted that Shinji and Rei are in love with each other. In book 9, he acknowledged that the gap between him and Rei has considerably been reduced since they first met; still, he hoped that this gap could be reduced further.
Also, it's much more strongly implied that she's a clone of Dr. Ikari Yui in book 8 (corresponding to the aftermath of the fight with Zeruel in the anime), while Rei was praying for Shinji to "come back", she was able to communicate with Dr. Ikari's soul possessing EVA-01. She said to Dr. Ikari, "I'm you and you're me, the former me." Dr. Ikari agreed as much and demanded to know why Rei had interfered with her plans to keep her son in Unit 01 together with her.
After Shinji came out of the Dummy Plug, both he and Rei took a stroll to a pavilion at NERV HQ. There, she recounted the times where Shinji touched her hand and gave her thoughts on them. Then, she asked Shinji to allow her to touch his hand again, which he agreed.
Her desire to be recognized as a person, rather than as a "doll" (which most people unkindly call her), puts her in some awkward, even dangerous situations. Ritsuko Akagi tried to strangle her once when she talked back to the doctor. Also, on her first meeting with Kaworu, when Kaworu commented that they are the same, she thought for a while and replied, "No. We're not the same. We might be very similar... but we're not the same."
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[edytuj] Miscellaneous
Rei was named after Rei Hino from Sailor Moon in an unsuccessful attempt by Hideaki Anno to get Kunihiko Ikuhara, director of Sailor Moon, to join the project. It is also a pun, in that "rei" can mean "zero," and Rei is, of course, the pilot of Unit 00. Before the name "Rei Ayanami" was decided upon, she was called Yui Ichijō, after Hikaru Ichijyo from Macross, which Anno worked on. Also, the name of "Yui" — another character who apparently has an uncanny connection with Rei — means "only one." To note is also the fact that in the opening credits of the TV series the public relations correspondant for TV Tokyo is credited (according to ADV's translation) as "Rei Anami". Whether or not this is either somehow coincidental, directly linked to the name of the character, or a pseudonym used by the credited individual, is uncertain. (Though the latter option would seem the most viable.)
Furthermore, like many of Evangelion's characters, Ayanami's surname comes from a Japanese WWII naval vessel, the Fubuki class destroyer Ayanami.
In fanfiction, Rei is often paired with Shinji as a romantic couple, although not quite as often as Shinji is paired with Asuka possibly due to their far more ambiguous relationship, in the series and especially the films. Also, there is a considerable amount of yuri fanfictions/fanart representing a homosexual relationship between Asuka and Rei. But in the TV series, manga, etc, that is not true.
Rei's seiyu shares the same given name as Shinji's seiyu (Megumi, although they are written in different ways in kanji).
[edytuj] Notes
- ↑ In the anime, her birthdate is explicitly said to be unknown; the birthday misconceived to be official by some fans (March 30, 2001) is actually the birthday of, and suggested by, her Japanese voice actress Megumi Hayashibara, who released her album "Birthday of Rei Ayanami" on that exact date.
Serial TV: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Filmy: Shitō shinsei (Death & Rebirth) • Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni (End of Evangelion) • Revival of Evangelion
Postaci: Asuka • Gendō • Kaworu • Misato • Rei • Ritsuko • Ryōji • Shinji • Tōji • Yui
Jednostki EVA
Pre-Jednostki 00 • Jednostka 00 (Zerogōki) • Jednostka 01 (Shogōki) • Jednostka 02 (Nigōki) • Jednostka 03 (Sangōki) • Jednostka 04 (Yongōki) • Evangeliony produkcji seryjnej
Adam • Lilith • Sachiel • Shamshel • Ramiel • Gaghiel • Israfel • Sandalphon • Matariel • Sahaquiel • Iruel • Leliel • Bardiel • Zeruel • Arael • Armisael • Tabris • Lilim
Zankoku na tenshi no tēze • Terminologia • Projekt Dopełnienia Ludzkości • Media • Red Cross Book • Wydarzenia