Wikipedysta:Krzycho0/End of Evangelion
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End of Evangelion 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 劇場版 |
Plakat | |
Kraj | Japonia |
Data premiery | 19 czerwca 1997 |
Czas trwania | 87 min. |
Reżyseria | Hideaki Anno, Kazuya Tsurumaki |
Scenariusz | Hideaki Anno |
Główne role | Megumi Ogata, Megumi Hayashibara, Yuko Miyamura |
Produkcja | Mitsuhisa Ishikawa |
Dystrybucja | Toei (JP), Manga Entertainment (US) |
Strona IMDb |
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 (Shin Seiki Evangerion Gekijō-ban) - End of Evangelion, to film animowany w reżyserii Hideaki Anno. Film prezentuje alternatywne zakończenie polularnego animowanego serialu telewizyjnego Neon Genesis Evangelion. Wielu odbiorców serialu było nieusatysfakcojonowanych oryginalnym zakończeniem, 25 i 26 odcinkiem, których akcja prawie w całości rozgrywa się w umysłach bohaterów. Odcinek 25 pierwotnie miał mieć miejsce w świecie fizycznym ale plany zostały zmienione ze względu na ograniczenie budżetu. Film został podzielony na dwie części, Odcinek 25: Air i Odcinek 26: まごころを、君に (Magokoro o, kimi ni).
Część pierwsza, Odcinek 25': Air, jest oparta na poprzednim filmie, Rebirth. Rebirth jest zgodny mniej więcej z 2/3 Air. End of Evangelion stał się później drugą połową Revival of Evangelion, połączeniem Death(true)² i End of Evangelion.
Uwaga: W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu. |
W przeciwieństwie do pokazanego jako dobre zakończenie anime w serialu, film pokazuje apokaliptyczne ukończenie Projektu Dopełnienia Ludzkości, gdzie indywidualne tożsamości zostają zniszczone i tworzy się pojedyncza forma zawierająca wszystkie żyjące istoty; ludzkie Pola AT zostają zniszczone i wszyscy obracają się w LCL. W filmie, Shinji odrzuca Projekt Dopełnienia (wybiera indywidualne życie), a w serialu nie jest to jednoznacznie pokazane.
Pomimo że film jest bezpośrednią kontynuacją fabuły serialu, wielu fanów było niezadowolonych z przemocy, która w aż tak wysokim stopniu nie występowała w serialu. Niektórzy twierdzą, że Hideaki Anno stworzył ten film chcąc odegrać się na fanach, którzy po zakończeniu serialu wysyłali mu liczne listy z pogróżkami. Niektóre z tych listów można zobaczyć w filmie w krótkich ujęciach zaraz przed zakończeniem End of Evangelion.
Spis treści |
[edytuj] Fabuła
Ten opis fabuły zawiera jedynie zdarzenia, które miały miejsce w filmie, a nie sceny introspekcyjne, gdzie szeroko pokazane są emocje i uczucia bohaterów.
Film rozpoczyna się próbą włamania i przejęcia kontroli nad superkomputerami MAGI w głównej kwaterze NERVu przez SEELE; Gendo Ikari oszukał SEELE - miał swój własny plan dotyczący Projektu Dopełnienia Ludzkości. Ritsuko Akagi uruchamia system obronny, który ma chronić MAGI przez 62 godziny. SEELE jest zmuszona wysłać wojsko, które ma bezpośrednio przejąć kontrolę nad GeoFrontem. Żołnierze bezlitośnie zabijają wszystkich ludzi, jakich napotkają na swojej drodze. Asuka, zdając sobie sprawę, że dusza jej matki została umieszczona w Jednostce 02, budzi się ze stanu śpiączki i broni GeoFront. SEELE wysyła Evangeliony Seryjnej Produkcji. Misato ciągnie opierającego się Shinji'ego do Jednostki 01 i przekonuje go do pilotowania jej, po czym umiera. Wbudowane baterie Jednostki 02 wyczerpują się po trzy i pół minutowej walce z Evangelionami Serijnej Produkcji i EVA-02 zostaje kompletnie zniszczona.
Gendo Ikari tajemnie próbuje wywołać Projekt Dopełnienia Ludzkości w inny sposób niż chce tego SEELE, taki, który umożliwiłby mu ponowne spotkanie z jego zmarłą żoną. Rei, która jest niezbędna do przeprowadzenia tego planu w decydującym momencie odrzuca jednak żądania Gendo i sama łączy się z Lilith, przeobrażając się w olbrzymią świecącą postać; Rei/Lilith ostatecznie oddaje proces Dopełnienia w ręce Shinji'ego. Aby zmusić ludzi do samowolnego zniszczenia swoich Pól AT, Lilith przybiera różne, związane z emocjami danej osoby formy lub niszczy Pola AT "na siłę". Po zneutralizowaniu Pola AT człowiek obraca się w płyn LCL.
Rozpoczyna się Dopełnienie, prawdopodobnie zgodnie z decyzją Shinji'ego z Evangeliona Jednostki 01. Jajo Lilith (nazywane Czarnym Księżycem) unosi się z GeoFrontu do rąk Lilith która przyjęła kształt Rei i której rozmiary znacznie powiększyły się. Dusze wszystkich ludzi, reprezentowane przez czerwone punkty dążą do Jaja Lilith. Jednak w ostatnim momencie, Shinji odrzuca Dopełnienie i decyduje się na życie jako indywidualność, niwecząc cały postęp jaki Lilith przeprowadziła w Dopełnieniu. Fizyczna forma Lilith rozpada się i umiera, a Jajo eksploduje. Shinji powraca na ziemię w swojej fizycznej formie, a Jednostka 01 i Włócznia Longinusa odlatują w przestrzeń. Evangeliony Masowej Produkcji spadają na Ziemię w pozycjach przypominających krzyże. W ostatniej scenie filmu, jedynymi pokazanymi ludźmi na planecie są Shinji i Asuka, ponieważ reszta ludzkości nie powróciła jeszcze do swoich indywidualnych, fizycznych form.
[edytuj] Postmodernism in the film
The movie contains some highly postmodern sequences, including a scene showing a young Shinji playing in the Geofront with film lights around him (indicating he's on a film set), and some live action sequences including scenes of the voice actresses of Misato, Rei, and Asuka (supposedly posing as their characters), and some footage of a movie theater. In addition, much of the artwork can be considered superflat (a Japanese genre of postmodern pop art) for its depiction of perverse, distorted sexuality of one of the film's main sex symbols, Rei, and its general criticisms of otaku sexuality, such as an infamous scene in the beginning of the film that depicts Shinji masturbating over a comatose and partially nude Asuka. Scenes from the film have been featured at Takashi Murakami's exhibitions, and was discussed in depth in his book and exhibition, Little boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture.
In addition, there are letters from fans, including a few death threats via the internet, along with graffiti on Gainax's headquarters shown in the film. These scenes are difficult to spot, but can be seen as a quick succession of flashes after the line "this is the end of your dream" and before a giant Rei bleeds from her neck.
[edytuj] The final scene
The closing scene of the movie is titled "ONE MORE FINAL: I need you.", in the fashion of the eyecatch commercial break titles of the television series.
It is vague and highly interpretive, where Shinji manages to separate himself from the collective human existence, with Asuka following. Their interaction shows a wide range of positive and negative human emotions. The world remains irreversibly changed, however, and what happens from there is only hinted at. This scene has caused several controversies as to its interpretation.
Some fans have speculated that Asuka may be the amalgamation of Asuka, Rei, and Misato because of her apparent red eyes, the same color as Rei's. The eyes could be due to the surrounding red ambiance of the environment, including the absence of the color blue on the new planet Earth. In addition, she is wearing bandages that correspond to the physical damage she suffered during her last fight in Unit-02 (pierced left eye, injured right arm) which mirror Rei's from the opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Furthermore, Rei appeared to Shinji above the ocean of LCL moments earlier.
The closing line, "気持ち悪い。" ("Kimochi warui."), spoken by Asuka, likewise can be interpreted in a number of ways. It was translated on the Manga DVD as "How disgusting", but it can also be translated as "I feel unwell", "What a disgusting feeling", "Feels bad", "I feel sick", etc. This has caused much confusion among Western fans, though the true meaning of the line is undefined for the Japanese as well. A recent episode of a Japanese show dedicated to animation described this final line and its original meaning. Initially the final line was written as, "I'll never let you kill me," but Anno was dissatisfied with this. In the episode Asuka's seiyuu, Yuko Miyamura, described what Anno told her he was going for with this scene:
Concerning the final line we adopted, I'm not sure whether I should say about it in fact. At last Anno asked me "Miyamura, just imagine you are sleeping in your bed and a stranger sneaks into your room. He can rape you anytime as you are asleep but he doesn't. Instead, he masturbates looking at you, when you wake up and know what he did to you. What do you think you would say?" I had been thinking he was a strange man, but at that moment I felt disgusting. So I told him that I thought "Disgusting". And then he sighed and said, "I thought as much." (1)
However, Tiffany Grant, Asuka's English dub voice actor, says this:
The most widely circulated translation of the last line of EoE is "I feel sick", but Amanda Winn Lee (voice of Rei Ayanami, who also directed EoE) said she asked several translators, and she felt "disgusting" was the most accurate adaptation. You could say she is disgusted with/sick of the situation or wih Shinji himself. My favorite explanation though, is this one: My husband, Matt Greenfield, directed the TV series and is very familiar with the whole Eva franchise. Matt has said that although (Eva creator) Hideaki Anno seems to change his mind frequently about what various things mean in Eva, Anno once said that Asuka's comment about feeling "sick" was a reference to morning sickness. Now THAT gives ya something to think about, doesn't it! Of course, Anno is quite passionate about the idea that every person should decide for him or herself what Eva means to them.(2)
Another explanation can be found on a Evangelion trading card: the scene "ONE MORE FINAL: I need you." affirms Shinji's choice to return to reality, and in doing so has separated himself from Asuka once more. His first impulse is to strangle her, to finish what he started during Instrumentality, but once he feels her caress (which is very similar to the one he received from his mother only moments before), he realizes what he's doing. He releases his grip and collapses as an emotionally broken little boy, which disgusts Asuka. This presents a more human response in showing Asuka's opinion over Shinji's behavior, but the act of caressing his cheek may represent a better connection between the two, since it deviates from Asuka's normal response to fight back or slap Shinji.
Another interpretation involves what has happened to Asuka during The End of Evangelion: she has just woken from a long coma, only to be torn to shreds inside EVA-02, die (supposedly) and awaken after Instrumentality's failure to being strangled by Shinji seconds before delivering the line, possibly as an amalgamation of herself, Rei and Misato; it may in turn just be her reaction to what has transpired.
Despite the somber ending, there are clear references that there is the possibility that every living thing or person who "died" as part of Instrumentality can be returned to their normal state. In fact, both Rei and Yui comfort Shinji and tell him that people can be restored if they want to, depending on the strength within their hearts. This being said, it is obvious that Asuka is the first person to manifest herself back into reality. Another Evangelion trading card explains:
"In the sea of LCL, Shinji wished for a world with other people. He desired to meet them again, even if it meant he would be hurt and betrayed. And just as he had hoped/wanted, Asuka was present in the new world. Only Asuka was there beside him. The girl whom he had hurt, and who had been hurt by him. But even so, she was the one he had hoped/wished for...."
Many also speculate that because a lambent image of Rei in a school uniform was either present over the bodies of the already dead during the soul collection (as the case with fallen NERV personnel) or present at their death (such as Misato and Ritsuko), it could be said that their souls were in fact collected either before or after they died and that they can all return one day. However, Yui's quote may only pertain to those who actually died during Third Impact. Thus, it leaves much up to the viewer to decide whether or not the rest of humanity returns. This kind of choice could be analyzed as parallel to Shinji's choice in what kind of world he wanted, and perhaps was intentionally planned out that way, as it leaves the viewer as "God" of the fate of the post-Third Impact world.
[edytuj] End of Evangelion: Renewal
A new version of The End of Evangelion was released on June 25 2003 in Japan by Starchild/King Records as part of Renewal of Evangelion, a box set which "compiles new digitally remastered versions of the 26 TV show episodes, 4 remade-for-laserdisc episodes, and 3 theatrical features" and "includes a bonus disc with never-before-seen material". [1] This version of the film conjoins the "recap" film Evangelion: Death with End, omitting the Rebirth segment from the first film (as it serves as little more than a teaser for the second film). The point of interest is the never-before-seen-material, which includes a live-action sequence with the voice-actresses of Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley, and Misato Katsuragi portraying their respective characters. In The End of Evangelion, some of the live action scenes are from the film's original copy, namely the scene in which there are schoolgirls facing the camera as a track of Rei, Asuka, and Misato lambasting Shinji is played. It is now clear that the theatrical release of The End of Evangelion is not the movie's complete or original form. The live-action sequence in Renewal was indeed part of the original movie, but it was scrapped for reasons unknown. One feeling shared by many who have seen it is that it is too ambiguous, unclear, and inconsistent with what is accepted as the story of Neon Genesis Evangelion as a whole; a few of the problems are that 10 years have lapsed (the Eva pilots are all 14 years old at the end of The End of Evangelion, here they are 24 years old), Shinji does not exist in it, and Asuka has a sexual relationship with Touji Suzuhara (in the TV series, they have almost no relationship, exchange no more than a dozen lines, and are very antagonistic toward each other).
The true value and purpose of this live-action sequence remains a widely debated topic among fans. One theory, which is supported by the time that this sequence occurs in the movie, is that Rei, who has merged with Adam and Lillith to form the giant, white angel-entity is showing Shinji (though her reason is not clear) what the world would be like without him. All of this is occurring outside of physical and temporal reality, this is certain. Also, there is no indication of whether the live-action sequence is part of the world after the Human Instrumentality Project has succeeded or the world where it has failed. No conclusions can be drawn for certain about this theory or about the live-action sequence overall.
It is unclear when (if at all) the Renewal editions of the movies will see release outside of Japan. Manga Entertainment currently holds the overseas license for the pre-Renewal versions of the movies, whereas A.D. Vision holds the license for the Evangelion TV series, including the Renewal editions of the TV episodes (released under the subtitle The Platinum Edition).
[edytuj] Gendo's Silent Line
Gendo's final words to Ritsuko are muted and were never scripted. There was originally meant to be an explosion in the background making the line inaudible, but even after it was cut Anno still wanted the line to be unheard. Yuriko Yamaguchi (Ritsuko Akagi) had difficulty delivering the subsequent line "Liar" without knowing what Gendo had said. Anno gave her one small hint as to what the line was, and she knew exactly how to deliver the line. To this day, nobody except for those two people have any idea what that hint was and therefore what the line might have been. In the subtitled version the line reads "I truly ...", however in the dubbed version the line is "Ritsuko Akagi, the truth is ...".
[edytuj] Ciekawostki
- Half of the film was used in Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, which is a film that told the back story to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
- Episode 25': Air is titled after the Air (on the G String) from the 3rd Orchestral Suite, BWV 1068 by J. S. Bach, which is played during the episode.
- The song in the credits, which is entitled "THANATOS -If I Can't Be Yours-" and performed by Loren & Mash, is based on "THANATOS", a background music piece used in the series.
- The song that plays near the end of the movie is entitled "Komm, süsser Tod" and is performed by Arianne. The song's name in English is "Come, Sweet Death".
- The red dummy plugs we see injected into the Mass Production Eva series before they launch are labeled "Kaworu". This is never explained, but has lead many to believe that they are either programmed with Kaworu's personality, or that, like Rei, there were extra Kaworu clones which were used.
- When Misato is reading the disk containing the information of the second impact given to her by Ryoji you can read what it says on the screen. It's a text which speaks about anime but it has certain words like "Second Impact" in capital letters to make it look as if it is speaking about Evangelion.
[edytuj] Zobacz również
Serial TV: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Filmy: Shitō shinsei (Death & Rebirth) • Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni (End of Evangelion) • Revival of Evangelion
Postaci: Asuka • Gendō • Kaworu • Misato • Rei • Ritsuko • Ryōji • Shinji • Tōji • Yui
Jednostki EVA
Pre-Jednostki 00 • Jednostka 00 (Zerogōki) • Jednostka 01 (Shogōki) • Jednostka 02 (Nigōki) • Jednostka 03 (Sangōki) • Jednostka 04 (Yongōki) • Evangeliony produkcji seryjnej
Adam • Lilith • Sachiel • Shamshel • Ramiel • Gaghiel • Israfel • Sandalphon • Matariel • Sahaquiel • Iruel • Leliel • Bardiel • Zeruel • Arael • Armisael • Tabris • Lilim
Zankoku na tenshi no tēze • Terminologia • Projekt Dopełnienia Ludzkości • Media • Red Cross Book • Wydarzenia