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- Acest articol este despre grupul de jocuri ce sunt jucate cu tacul. În Marea Britanie, "biliard" este numele folosit pentru blilardul engelzesc. În Olanda, biliard este numele dat jocului de biliard Carambole.
Biliardul este o familie de jocuri ce sunt jucate pe o masă (de obicei verde şi cu şase găuri numite buzunarele mesei), cu un băţ, numit tac, folsit pentru a lovi bilele, ca acestea să se mişte pe suprafaţa mesei. În anumite contexte, cuvântul "biliard" se referă cu siguranţă la unul din jocuri, biliardul englezesc sau biliardul carambole. În România termenul de biliard este bine definit şi nu are mai multe variante. El este cunoscut ca fiind un joc de amatori ce se joacă prin baruri. La noi biliardul nu are aceaşi valoare pe care o are în ţările în care acesta s-a dezvoltat.
Toate jocurile de biliard sunt evoluate ca jocuri de interior şi provenite de la jocurile de exterior, acelea cu minge şi bâtă. Cuvântul biliard se crede a fi provenit de la cuvântul franţuzesc 'billart' care înseamnă buzdugan sau măciucă, predecesorul modernului tac de astăzi.
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[modifică] Ce însemană pool
Cuvântul englezesc pool (baltă, joc de noroc, a uni), folosit deseori pentru jocurile de biliard se referă în general la buzunarul în care trebuie introdusă bila, cum ar fi 8-ball, 9-ball, or Straight pool. Cuvântul pool provine de la poolrooms (camerele de pariuri) sportive, unde oameni pariau la cursele de cai. Erau numite poolroms atât timp cât banii trebuiau înmulţiţi, adunaţi mai mulţi ("pooled") pentru a creşte şansele de câştig. În aceste camere de pariuri (pools) se găseau deseori şi mese de biliard, iar prin asociere pool a devenit sinonim cu biliard. Cum am spus şi mai sus termenul englezesc pool şi buzunarele de la masa de biliard (pocket billiards) sunt sinonime.
[modifică] Echipament
[modifică] Bile de biliard
Numărul, tipul, diametrul, culoarea şi modeulul bilelor de biliard diferă după tipul de joc de biliard care este jucat. În 8-balls, straight pool, şi alte jocuri înrudite cu aceste două, sunt implicate 16 bile : cinsprezece dintre ele fiind colorate şi una singură albă complet. Bilele cu nr. inscripţionat de la 1 la 7 se numesc pline fiind colorate în totalitate cu galben, albastru, roşu, mov, portocaliu, verde şi roşu închis sau maro. Bilele 9-15 sunt albe, fiecare având o singură parte cu o bandă colorată care se potriveşte cu culorile bilelor colorate în totalitate; bila nr 9 are o dungă galbenă, bila nr. 10 are o dungă albastră, ş.a. Bila nr. 8 este neagră în totalitate. În jocule 9-ball, sunt folosite doar bilele cu nr. de la 1 la 9 . Bilele regulamentare au 5.7 centimetri în diametru, si greutate cuprinsă între 156 şi 170 de grame. Alte proprietăţi specifice cum ar fi: duriatea, coeficientul de frecare, elasticitatea sunt foarte importante.
Unele bile folosite în jocurile televizate sunt colorate diferit pentru a putea fi distinse pe imaginile ecranului de la televizor. Bila nr. 4 folosită în astfel de jocuri este colorată în roz în loc de mov, iar bila nr. 7 este colorată într-o nuanţă de maro mai deschisă decât de obicei. Dungile de pe bilele nr 12 şi 15 sunt colorate în acelaşi mod. Mai tărziu pentru a da un efect de recunoaştere mai uşor bilele folosite în astfel de jocuri au fost punctate.
În tipul de joc de biliard numit snooker, sunt prezente 15 bile roşii, saşe bile colorate (galben, verde, maro, albastru, roz, şi negru), and şi o bilă albă principală. De obicei bilele nu sunt numerotate. Aceste bile au diametrul normal de 5.2 centimetri.
În jocurile cum sunt carom, straight billiards, biliardul englezesc, balkline, si three cushion, pe masă se află două mingi albe şi una roşie. Una din bile este albă în totalitae iar cealată este ori galbenă, ori albă şi cu un punct roşu. Aceste tipuri de bile au în general 7 centimetri în diametru.
Bilele de biliard au fost făcute iniţial din fildeş importat din Africa. La inceputul secolului 20, in parte datoria protecţiei mediului, industria biliardului a realizat ca sursele de fildeş sunt finite. Acest lucru a dat un impuls inventatorilor sa creeze o alternativă. Astfel, John Wesley Haytt a creat primul plastic industrial, Nitratul de Celuloză(Cellulose Nitrate), sub numele comercial de Celuloid(Celluloid).
[modifică] Masa de biliard
Există multe mărimi şi stiluri de mese de biliard. De obicei, mesele sunt de două ori mai lungi decât lăţimea. Majoritatea meselor au lungimea de 2,1, 2,4 sau 2,7 metrii (7, 8 sau 9 picioare). Snooker-ul şi biliardul englezesc au lungimea meselor de 3,6 metri (12 picioare). Sălile de biliard obişnuiesc să aivă mese de 3,6 metri, iar barurile folosesc mese de 2,7 metri care deobicei sunt plătite. Compromisul făcut de cei care au o masă de biliard în propria locuinţă este dat de spaţiu, astfel alegându-se doar mese de 2,4 metri. Mesele de calitate sunt de obicei de 2,7 metri şi sunt făcut dintr-o singură bucată ,respectiv o lespede de granit sau o placă grea de ardezie prevenind astfel distrugerea şi modificările care pot surveni în urma umezelii. Mesele de biliard au 6 buzunare, trei pe fiecare parte. Mesele sunt acoperite cu pânză specială de biliard (un fel de pâslă). Dunga mesei, care primeşte dese lovituri sunt acoperite cu o pânză mai puţin luncoasă. Pânza de calitae este mai alunecoasă. Îmbrăcămintea tradiţională a meselor de snooker au un fel de puf iar bilele se comprtă diferit când se izbesc de acest puf. Îmbrăcămintea mesei de biliard este de obicei verde reflectând originile.
[modifică] Tacurile
Biliardul este jucat cu un băţ cunoscut şi ca tac. Un tac este ori un băţ care este mai subţire la un capăt si care se îngroaşă treptat spre mâner ori un băţ care este desparţit la mijloc de un filament de metal sau "phenolic resin". Capătul (mânerul) tacului este partea care are circumferinţa mai mare. Partea mai subţire a tacului se numeste "shaft". Tacurile de calitate sunt în general cele făcute din două părţi şi folosind lemn destul de tare, de obicei arţar pentru cele de biliard şi frasin pentru cele de "snooker". Toate tacurile sunt subţiate de la mâner către vârf.Vârful de piele şi creta sunt folosite la imprimarea efectului(english) bilei albe. Tacurile ieftine sunt in general dintr-o singură bucată şi sunt construite din aluminiu sau lemn, iar vârfurile sunt de calitate inferioară. Un tac de calitate poate fi scump si este făcut uneori din lemn exotic şi alte materiale scumpe fiind decorat cu diverse modele. În general jucătorii cu experienţă folosesc mai multe tacuri pe parcursul unui joc, acestea incluzând un tac pentru spargere şi un tac mai scurt cu vârf special pentru loviturile sărite.
[modifică] Creta
Creta este folosită deseori pentru vârful tacului, pentru a-i creşte fricţiunea atunci când aceasta loveşte mingea albă. Fricţiunea crescută face ca bila să se învârtă mai mult şi reduce riscul de a greşi lovitura (neintenţionat să alunece pe lângă bila albă şi să lovească altă bilă).
[modifică] Tehnica de lovire
English – the spin put on a cue ball to affect its direction after the object ball is struck; to give shooter an easier shot to follow current shot. These include follow, draw and stop, as well as left or right or some combination thereof.
If the cue ball is not struck directly in the center, spin will be imparted onto the cue ball. Spin can be used to control the path of the cue ball. This spin can also influence the path that an object ball will take when it is hit by the cue ball. Unintentional spin can cause missed shots.
If the cue ball is struck above the center of the ball, follow is said to be imparted to the ball. If the cue ball is struck below the center of the ball draw is imparted. Follow is over spin, where the cue ball is spinning faster than it would from its natural roll. The main use for this is to control what happens when the cue ball hits an object ball. If the cue ball has overspin on it, the cue ball, after making contact dead-on with the object ball, rather than stopping abruptly, will resume rolling forward and follow the struck ball. If the cue ball was hit with draw, it will reverse direction after hitting an object ball dead-on and draw back. If the cue ball does not hit the object ball dead-on, the cue ball will travel in a line tangential to the point of impact between both balls if the cueball carries no vertical spin. Top spin will cause the cueball to parabolically arch away from the tangent line in the direction of cueball travel, whereas bottom spin will cause the cueball to arch backwards from the line of travel. Spin dissipates as the cue ball travels, thus the effect will be less pronounced when it finally contacts an object ball.
If the cue ball is struck to the left or right of center, english or side spin is imparted. Interchangeable terms for the type of english include left or right english and running english or reverse english. The latter two terms are useful to describe what happens when a ball hits a rail. If a ball has running english, it will speed up when it hits a rail, and angle of the rail will be shallower than if the ball had no english on it. If the ball has hold up or reverse english, then the speed of the ball will slow down when it hits a rail and will come off the rail at greater angle than if it did not have side spin on it. Hitting a rail in itself will impart some spin onto the ball.
Another effect of spin is called throw. When a cue ball hits a ball, the friction between the balls can affect the path the object ball will travel. If a cue ball was hit on the left side and hits a ball fairly fully with moderate speed, it will tend to throw the ball to the right.
If the cue ball is struck so that spin is imparted along both axes, then the effects of both can be combined. Hitting a ball with draw and sidespin can actually cause the ball to curve. A shot called the massé, when the ball is hit from above, can cause the ball to go forward, curve, and then reverse direction. This shot is quite difficult. The massé is not allowed in some places as the table's cloth can be damaged.
Another technique known as the jump shot is allowed in some games such as nine ball. A legal jump shot requires that the ball be hit above centre driving it down into the table, such that the ball will leave the table surface. This is a difficult shot, and can also damage the table cloth. As such, this shot is also forbidden in some establishments.
Applying a significant amount of force with a hit below centre at a low angle can also create a jump. This technique is very difficult to control and more often than not it is the result of an accidental poorly-made shot rather than a practiced technique. This is considered an illegal shot in most games, but is accepted by some in casual settings.
[modifică] Tipuri de joc
There are two main styles of billiard games: carom and pocket. The most popular pocket games are Eight-ball (or 8-ball), 9-ball, and snooker. In 8-ball and 9-ball the object is to sink a designated ball to win. In 8-ball, players must pocket a group of balls, either the solids or the stripes, before they can pocket the eight for the win. In 9-ball, players must shoot the balls in order, from one through nine. In snooker, players score points by alternating shooting red balls and balls of a different colour`s .
[modifică] Straight billiards şi three cushion
The most popular billiard games are probably straight billiards and three cushion. In both, players shoot the cue ball so that it makes contact with their opponent's cue ball as well as the red ball. Some of the best players of this game developed the skill to drive both balls into a corner and were able to score large numbers of consecutive points once the balls were in the corner.
The first professional tournament was held in 1879 (Shamos), where Jacob Schaefer Sr scored 690 points in a single turn. Because the balls barely moved, there was nothing for the fans to watch. Changes were subsequently made to the rules to add balklines, and the player had to drive a ball past these lines after so many shots. Initially, the championship game was 18.1 balkline. After a shot, one of the balls had to be driven past the balkline which were 18 inches from the rail. A more elegant solution was three cushion billiards, which requires a player to make contact with the other two ball on the table and contact three rail cushions in the process. This is difficult enough that even the best players can only manage to average one to two points a turn.
[modifică] 8 Ball
In the United States, the most commonly played game is 8-ball. This game is most often played on coin operated tables that are 7 feet long. In the United Kingdom the game is commonly played in pubs and it is competitively played in leagues. It is also played as a world championship tournament run by the International Pool Asociation
[modifică] 9 Ball
9-ball is the championship game in the US, and is played on 9 foot tables. The governing organization of the United States Championship and the US Open is the Billiard Congress of America (BCA). Besides the US Open there are many other professional pool tournaments are played annually.
The World Pool Association (WPA), holds an annual 9-ball tournament to determine the world 9-ball champion.
[modifică] One Pocket
One pocket is a strategic game for two players. Each player is assigned one of the corner pockets on the table. This is the only pocket into which he can legally pocket balls. The first player to pocket the majority of the balls (8) in his pocket wins the game. The game requires far more defensive strategy than offensive strategy, much unlike 8-ball, 9-ball, or straight pool. It has been said that if 8-ball is checkers, one-pocket is chess.
[modifică] Campionate de biliard
- US Open Championship (BCA) - 9 Ball
- World Pool Association (WPA) - 9 Ball
- În evenimentele de snooker-ul şi biliard carom, se decide foarte des un nou campion.
[modifică] Lista jocurilor de biliard
[modifică] Carom billiards
- Carambole billiards
- Straight rail
- Three cushion billiard
- 18.1 Balkline
- 18.2 Balkline
[modifică] Pocket billiards
- English billiards
- Golf
- Snooker
- Tenball
- Banks
- Cowboy
- Cutthroat (se joacă în trei)
- Eight ball (cunoscut şi sub forma de stars and stripes sau solids and stripes)
- Flanges
- Indian
- Nine ball
- One pocket
- Rotation
- Seven ball
- Six pocket
- Straight pool
- Russian Billiards
[modifică] Alte variante
- Bar billiards
- Bumper pool
- Face Off
[modifică] Glosar
- Ball-in-hand - Some game types allow this after a scratch. The opposing player or team is allowed to place the cue ball anywhere on the table for a free shot.
- Bank - Short for bank shot where the cue ball contacts a ball, the ball hits into a rail, and then that ball is pocketed.
- Baulk-line - A straight line drawn 29" from the face of the bottom cushion. Similar to the head string. Not to be confused with the balkline carom games.
- Balkline - A type of carom game created to eliminate very high runs in straight rail.
- Break - Many billiards games start with a break shot. For example, in 8-ball the first person to start play must place the cue ball in the kitchen and shoot the cue ball into the rack.
- Cue - Short for pool cue, or sometimes cue ball.
- Cue ball - A usually white ball. In most games the players start each shot by hitting their pool cue into the cue ball in an attempt to score points or pocket balls.
- Cue stick - A cue stick is usually around 5 ft. long which can be easily gripped with a tip which not only cushions the impact, but allows for spin to be transferred to the cue ball.
- English - An added spin placed on the cue ball when hit with the cue stick. This is done by aiming to either side or above or below the center of the ball. Adding English to the sides will cause the ball to curve after being struck, whereas top or bottom English will cause the ball to continue forward or make a sudden reverse after striking another ball or the rail.
- Head string - A line indicating an area where the cue ball can be placed when a player is making a break shot. The line runs across the short side of the table from the second diamonds on either side. The line is rarely drawn on the table. Also called the balk-line, or baulk-line.
- Kick shot - Like a bank shot, except the cue ball contacts the rail before striking the object ball. Some people use the term bank shot for this shot as well.
- Kiss - After the object ball is struck by the cue ball, it may bank off a cushion to restrike the cue ball, usually throwing the cue ball and object ball into undesired directions.
- Kitchen - The area on the table behind the head string. Where the cue ball must be played from after a scratch and before the break.
- Pocket - An opening in a table into which balls are shot. Also used as a verb to describe the act of a ball being sent into a pocket.
- Pot - Same as the word pocket used as a verb.
- Rack - A wooden or plastic triangle which is used to assist in setting up balls in games like 8-ball, 9-ball, and snooker. The rack allows for conistently tight grouping of balls, which is necessary for a good break shot. The term also is often used to refer group of balls itself. In games with 15 balls, the rack is triangle shaped. In 9-ball either a standard triangle rack is use, or a nine ball diamond rack is used.
- Rail - Pool tables have elastic rails which are covered in cloth. They are also called cushions.
- Safety - An intentionally defensive shot. This is a perfectly legal in many games, and there are often rules restricting how this shot may be executed. For example, in many pool games you cannot shoot into a ball which is in contact with a rail when playing a safety.
- Scratch - Any time the cue ball is hit into the pocket a scratch is called. Most standard rule sets allow the opposing player or team to place the cue ball anywhere in the kitchen for a free shot. Other game types allow "ball-in-hand" after a scratch.
- Sink - Same as the word pocket used as a verb.
[modifică] Referinţe
- Stein, Victor & Rubino, Paul. The Billiard Encyclopedia - Istoria Ilustrată a Sportului (ediţia nr. 2), Publicaţiile Blue Book. ISBN 1-886768-06-4
- Byrne, Robert. 1998. Cartea New Standard a lui Byrne depre biliard. ISBN 0156005549.
- Shamos, Mike. 1991. Pool. Mallard Press. ISBN 0-7924-5310-7.
[modifică] Patente
- U.S. Patent 50359 -- Bilă de biliard
- U.S. Patent 76765 -- Bilă de biliard'
- U.S. Patent 88634 -- Bilă de biliard'
- U.S. Patent 114945 -- Bilă de biliard'
[modifică] Legături către alte site-uri
- Un site dedicat să ofere reguli pentru jocurile de biliard.
- Billiard Congress of America - Site-ul BCA, care vinde cărţi ce prezintă jocuri celebre de biliard şi regulile acestora.
- - Se oferă lecţii de bikliard şi şmecherii folositoare.
- The Billiard Resource: Forumul jocurilor de biliard - Un forum de discuţii pe tema jocului de biliard şi a regulilor.
- Istoria biliardului
- O surtă istorie a jocurilor de biliard Noble
- The Billiards Family
- Physics of Pool - Un ghidul începătorului făcut în Flash.
- General Rules - Pentru a juca corect sunt nevoie de reguli.