Scots unthirldom
Frae Wikipedia
Scottish unthirldom is the poleetical muivement that thinks Scotland shoud sinder itsel frae the Unitited Kinrick, mebbe bringin ti an end the Unitit Kinrick gif Ingland an Wales gat unthirldom an aw, an become an unthirlt kintra wi its ain govrenment. The main uphauders o this idea is the Scottis Naitional Pairtie, altho the'r ither muivements in Scotland that uphaud unthirldom, sic as the Scots Socialist Pairty, Scots Green Pairty, an ither smawer groups. A lairge pairt o this muivement, maistlins athin the SNP, wants tae see a free Scotland closer tae the European Union, in siller-union wi ither EU kintras, in the Euro currency. Houaniver, maist o the smawer groups -- includin the SSP an Greens -- isna for this idea.