Piracy is Liberation: Infotrip
Piracy is Libaration: Infotrip är ett seriealbum av Mattias Elftorp, utgivet av C'est Bon Kultur. Det utgör den andra delen i en längre albumserie. Infotrip gick först som följetong i C'est Bon Anthology nr 7, 10 och 11.
Ur förordet:
The world I have built is a world where anything is possible. We can go anywhere, because any hope we ever had of going in a straight line has died violently a long time ago.
Of course, that's not true in the City. In the City, there’s only one way, even with the illusion of multiple paths. And it isn't going anywhere. Everything is the same as it has always been, a state of constant evolution that changes nothing. So there's no need for a past or future. Imagine a world where you have no concept of history. Imagine a world consisting entirely of buildings and maybe a glimpse now and then of the sky, but you can never see the stars. Imagine a world without war. Then imagine finding out that there's something more. Something outside, and you can go there.
Fortsättning på Piracy is Liberation: Information Wants to be Free.