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Cantamath is a competition competed around the Canterbury, New Zealand by years 7 to 10.
Each school participating sens in their four student best mathematicians for each year level and they compete against other schools in the Christchurch city hall. Its a speed competition and takes 30 minutes. There are 20 questions and the aim is to have your team answer the questions the fastest. One of the four team members is a runner who runs to a judge to see if the answer is right or not. Each question is worth 5 points. A team can only have one question at one time and have to keep on working on it until they get it right, unless they want to pass, which means the maximum points they can get is 95.
The sponsors of Cantamath are Casio, Trimble, NZIS and Numberworks.
The winning team gets a medal and a scientific calculator each for year 7 and 8 and graphic calculators for year 9 and 10. Two well known schools known for winning the contest are Burnside High School and Cobham Intermediate School