Cryptic tonsillitis
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Cryptic tonsillitis is a form of tonsillitis. In cryptic tonsillitis, deep "crypts" or pits form in the tonsils. These pits can capture food particles, which solidify into stone-like particles called tonsilloliths, which are frequently expectorated.
[edit] Symptoms
The major symptom of cryptic tonsillitis is the production of tonsilloliths. Other symptoms can include bad breath, tonsillar pain or a feeling of fullness in the ear. Tonsoliths are composed of dead white blood cells and bacteria. In other words, they are compacted pus.
[edit] Treatment
The definitive treatment for cryptic tonsillitis is tonsilectomy.
[edit] Links
A patient's description of cryptic tonsillitis Information about tonsilloliths