User:Cyberjunkie/Industrial relations
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[edit] Resources
Book and papers:
- Briggs, C. et al; “Undermining the Right to Collective Bargaining”, IR Report Card, University of Sydney, 2005.
- Ellem, B; “Deregulation and Other Myths: Re-Reading Industrial Relations Policy”, IR Report Card, University of Sydney, Sydney, 2005.
- Hammer, S; “From Full Employment to the New Service Economy” in E. van Acker and G. Curran (eds.), Governing Business and Globalisation (2nd Edition), Longman, Frenchs Forest, 2004, pp. 161-173.
- Lansbury, R. et al; The Federal Government’s Industrial Relations Policy: Report Card on the Proposed Changes, University of Sydney, 2005.
- Hagan, J; The History of the A.C.T.U, Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1981.
- Marsh, I; “Interest groups”, in A. Parkin, J. Summers and D. Woodward (eds.), Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia (7th Edition), Longman, Frenchs Forest, 2002, pp. 345-361.
- Peetz, D; “Is Individual Contracting More Productive?”, IR Report Card, University of Sydney, 2005.
- Roskam, J; “Self Reliance and the Employment Revolution”, IPA Review, 57(1), March 2005, pp. 3-5.
- Singleton, G. et al; “Citizens at Work”, Australian Political Institutions (6th Edition), Longman, Frenchs Forest, 2000, pp. 318-333.
News articles:
- “Unions promise to fight IR law”, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2 November 2005.
- “Fed: Govt stripping down 100-year-old IR system”, Australian Associated Press, 2 November 2005.
News editorials:
- Dodson, L; “WorkChoices is just one part of the revolution”, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 November 2005.
- Gollan, P; “Unions will have to re-invent themselves”, Financial Review, 2 November 2005.
- Williams, G; “Speed bumps on the road to IR reform”, The Age, 14 July 2005.
Speeches and other media:
- Combet, G; “Industrial Relations: Employee Rights and the Economy”, National Press Club, Canberra, 6 July 2005,
<>, consulted 29 October 2005.
- Kirk, A; “IR changes will cripple unions: Greg Combet”, AM Transcripts, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 11 October 2005
<>, consulted 29 October 2005.
- Howard, J; “WorkChoices – A New Workplace Relations System”, Media Releases from John Howard, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra, 9 October 2005, <>, consulted 1 November 2005.
- McCallum, R; “The Australian Constitution and the Shaping of our Federal and State Labour Laws”, Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 10 May 2005, <>, consulted 26 October.
- Neighbour, S; “Brave New Workplace”, Four Corners Archives, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 26 September 2005, <>, consulted 15 October 2005.
- WorkChoices, Australian Government, 2005.