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Henry Moore, Family Group (1950) bronze, sited at the entrance to Barclay School, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England.
This statue was Moore's first large scale commission for a bronze and his first commission following the Second World war. It was originaly intended for Impington Village College in Cambridge and the Family Group subject fits in with the village college philosophy of life-long education. However, after Moore had designed the maquette, Impington cancel the sculpture due to lack of funds.
The project was revived a few years later when the new town of Stevenage was being designed. The Chief Education Officer, John Newsom, persuaded the coucil to allocate funds for public art works at each of the new school being built, allowing Moore to complete Family Group for the Barclay School in 1950.
[edit] New York Botanical Garden
Another copy of this sculpture can be found in the New York Botanical Garden
[edit] References
Keywords: Henry Moore, sculpture, abstract, bronze, Stevenage, Family Group
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