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The Dhammapada (Pāli, sometimes translated as Path of the Dharma. Also Prakrit Dhamapada, Sanskrit Dharmapada) is a Buddhist scripture, containing 423 verses in 26 categories. According to tradition, these are verses spoken by the Buddha on various occasions, most of which deal with ethics. A fourth or fifth century commentary attributed to Buddhaghosa includes 305 stories which give context to the verses. [1]
The Dhammapada is a popular section of the Pāli Tipitaka and is considered one of the most important pieces of Theravada literature.
Although the Pāli edition is the most well known, a Gandhari edition written in Kharosthi and a seemingly related text in Sanskrit known as the Udanavarga have also been discovered.
Despite being a primarily Theravada text, the Dhammapada is read by many Mahayana Buddhists and remains a very popular text across all schools of Buddhism.
Contents |
[edit] Excerpt from the Dhammapada
Contrary Ways
- What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind. If a man speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws the cart.
- He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me. Those who think such thoughts will not be free from hate.
- For hate is not conquered by hate: hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal.
- (Translation by Juan Mascaro)
[edit] Translations of the Dhammapada
- Tr F. Max Müller, in Buddhist Parables, by E. W. Burlinghame, 1869; reprinted in Sacred Books of the East, volume X, Clarendon/Oxford, 1881; reprinted in Buddhism, by Clarence Hamilton; reprinted separately by Watkins, 2006; the first English translation (a Latin translation had appeared in 1855)
- Tr J. Gray, American Mission Press, Rangoon, 1881
- Hymns of Faith, tr Albert J. Edmunds, Open Court, Chicago, & Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., London, 1902
- The Buddha's Way of Virtue, tr W. D. C. Wagiswara & K. J. Saunders, John Murray, London, 1912
- Tr Silacara, Buddhist Society, London, 1915
- Tr Suriyagoda Sumangala, in Ceylon Antiquary, 1915
- Tr A. P. Buddhadatta, Colombo Apothecaries, 1920?
- The Buddha's Path of Virtue, tr F. L. Woodward, Theosophical Publishing House, London & Madras, 1921
- In Buddhist Legends, tr E. W. Burlinghame, Harvard Oriental Series, 1921, 3 volumes; reprinted by Pali Text Society[2], Lancaster; translation of the stories from the commentary, with the Dhammapada verses embedded
- Tr R. D. Shrikhande and/or P. L. Vaidya (according to different bibliographies; or did one publisher issue two translations in the same year?), Oriental Book Agency, Poona, 1923; includes Pali text
- "Verses on Dhamma", in Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon, volume I, tr C. A. F. Rhys Davids, 1931, Pali Text Society, Lancaster; verse translation; includes Pali text
- Tr N. K. Bhagat, Buddha Society, Bombay, 1935; includes Pali text
- Tr Irving Babbitt, Oxford University Press, New York & London, 1936; revision of Max Müller
- Tr Dhammajoti, Maha Bodhi Society, Benares (date?)
- Tr Jack Austin, Buddhist Society, London, 1945
- Tr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Oxford University Press, London, 1950; includes Pali text
- Tr Narada, John Murray, London, 1954
- Tr ?, Cunningham Press, Alhambra, California, 1955
- Tr C. Kunhan Raja, Theosophical Publishing House, Madras, 1956; includes Pali text
- Growing the Bodhi Tree in the Garden of the Heart, tr Khantipalo, Buddhist Association of Thailand, Bangkok, 1966
- Tr P. Lal, New York, 1970
- Tr Juan Mascaró, Penguin Classics, 1973
- Tr Thomas Byrom, Shambhala, Boston, Massachusetts, & Wildwood House, London, 1976 (ISBN 0-87773-966-8)
- Tr Harischandra Kaviratna, Pasadena, 1980; includes Pali text
- Tr Buddharakkhita, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1984; includes Pali text
- Commentary, with text embedded, tr Department of Pali, University of Rangoon, published by Union Buddha Sasana Council, Rangoon (date uncertain; 1980s)
- Tr Daw Mya Tin, Burma Pitaka Association, Rangoon, 1986; probably currently published by the Department for the Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana, Rangoon, and/or Sri Satguru, Delhi
- Path of Enlightenment, tr David J. Kalupahana, Universities Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, c. 1986
- Tr Eknath Easwaran, Arkana, London, 1986/7
- Tr John Ross Carter & Mahinda Palihawadana, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987; the original, expensive hardback edition also includes the Pali text and the commentary's explanations of the verses; the cheap paperback reprint in the World's Classics Series omits these
- Tr Ananda Maitreya & co-translator, 1988
- Tr Thomas Cleary, Thorsons, London, 1995
- The Word of the Doctrine, tr K. R. Norman, 1997, Pali Text Society, Lancaster; the PTS's preferred translation
- Tr Anne Bancroft?, Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset, & Richport, Massachusetts, 1997
- Tr F. Max Müller (see above), revised Jack Maguire, SkyLight Pubns, Woodstock, Vermont, 2002
- Tr Glenn Wallis, Modern Library, New York, 2004 (ISBN 0-679-64397-9)
- Tr Gil Fronsdal, Shambhala, Boston, Massachusetts, 2005 (ISBN 1-59030-380-6)
[edit] External links
- From the Ancient World Texts: Dhammapada translated by John Richards
- Dhammapada translated by Thomas Byrom
- Dhammapada — from the Electronic Buddhist Archives
- Dhammapada: A Translation — from Access to Insight
- The Dhammapada — translated by Max Müller
- Sri Lankan Buddhism Portal - Dhammapada
- Dhammapada
- The Dhammapada
- Readings (mp3) from the Dhammapada by Gil Fronsdal
[edit] References
- Brough, John. The Gandhari Dharmapada. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. Delhi, 2001.