User:Dr indigo
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Dr_Indigo is a man over the internet (Duh). Dr_Indigo has wanted to find out what his life was about. Some things have been forgoton but one of the things he wanted to do was Archioligy. Seeing Wallace and Gromit and the work of Knox, Febuary 2006, he decided to to what they did: Claymating. March was when he decided to script "Portal of the Worlds", where familiure characters you may have seen before(Knox Klayman, Theoden, Sauron,(Both from Lord of the Rings) Strawberry Clock, Master Cheif, Peter Griffin, Wallace and Gromit. Also starring Eric Wall, Dalek, Terrance(from South Park), Hermes Conrad (Futurama) and Jon Stewart) have a story, make tv shows and try going back home. He also had the idea about "Karate Karrot", a karrot that mutated and learnt karate. His idea for the third movie is "A New Crop", where many karrots learn karate. The second was gonna be called "Dual of double" but it doesn't sound funny. Hopfully, christmas 2006 he plans to create a speech for him. Some of these stories are available at fanart central
Freinds include SpongeDudeX, Pugberto, Knox, Al_Gore, Seth MacFarland and Xela Relluf.