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[Bearbeiten] Deutscher Name?
Ein Punkt, zu dem ich leider nicht beitragen kann, den ich aber für sehr wichtig im Enzyklopädieartikel halte, ist die Frage, woher denn der deutsche Name Gran kommt. --Bildungsbürger 13:39, 30. Okt. 2006 (CET)
Gran kommt vom deutschen Namen des Flusses Hron. Dazu aus einer Studie: "Hron: ... Written records provide Gran, Grana in 1075, Goron in 1228, Gron in 1230. In the Greek text of Marcus Aurelius from 166 there can be found Granoua, Granua. Similarly to the case of the name Morava and the hydronym Tisa, its oldest written record is from the 2nd century. This leads researchers to not considering the hydronym Gron, Hron for a Slavic one. Such opinion is based on the unproved opinion that Slavs settled on the territory of Slovakia only as late as in the 5th-6th centuries. Opinions on the presence of Slavs in Slovakia vary. L. Niederle claimed that the first migration waves came to the central reaches of the Danube already as early as in the 1st-2nd centuries A.D. P. J. Šafárik claimed that prehistorical Slavs lived not only north but also south of the Carpathians, namely the High Tatras. Most recently J. Udolph (Typen urslawischer Gewässernamen. Prasl owiańszczyzna i jej rozpad. Krakow 1998, pp. 275-294) claims that the suffixes -ava, -ica, -ad, -og are very old, Proto-Slavic. Of relevance are the lexemes belg- : bolg- : blg-, pelt- : polt- : plt. The suffixes -ava, -ad, -og occur also in hydronyms in Slovakia (Orava, Rimava, Morava, Horn-ad, Bodr-og), as well as the lexemes Blg Hungarianized into Balog. Plt- occurs in the name Poltár, while the old Pltár under the influence of Hungarian changed into Poltár, similarly to brdo changing into bardo, which proves Šafárik´s theory. Gron was borrowed into Hungarian as Garam. Cf. Blg : Balog, Ohlm - Halom, etc. As in Proto-Slavic from gora in the zero degree there was derived a number of words (gr-g-, gr-ča, gr-ib-, gr-ič, gr-iva), the derivation of gr-on- cannot be excluded, this being a sheer hypothesis. If Gron is derived from gora (mountain) in the zero degree gr-, in that case it has the same starting point as Gor-? n-ad, Hornad. Both rivers have their source under Kráľova Hoľa. Cf. older literature: Melich 335, Šmilauer 350, Kiss 1, 497." Juro 06:18, 1. Nov. 2006 (CET)