Holy Wednesday
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In Christianity, Holy Wednesday is the Wednesday of Holy Week, the week before Easter. Holy Wednesday is also known as Spy Wednesday, as being the day that Judas Iscariot first conspired with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus for thirty silver coins.
On this day, members of the Eastern Orthodox Church recieve Holy Unction after a church service.
In Poland, children enjoyed hurling an effigy of Judas from the church steeple. It was then dragged through the village, pounded with sticks and stones and what was left of it was drowned in a nearby pond or river.
In the Czech Republic the day is traditionally called Ugly Wednesday, Soot-Sweeping Wednesday or Black Wednesday, because chimneys used to be swept on this day, to be clean for Easter.
Tenebrae is a liturgy that is often celebrated on this day.
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