ICT update
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ICT Update is a bimonthly printed bulletin, a web magazine, and an accompanying email newsletter that explores innovative uses of information technology in agriculture and rural development in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
It is published in English and French by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) in Wageningen, the Netherlands, with each issue focusing on a specific theme. The print magazine is widely distributed amongst policy makers in Brussels and across Europe, and to embassies and sector stakeholders in developing countries. CTA is an institution of the ACP Group of States and the European Union, in the framework of the Cotonou Agreement and is financed by the EU.
Recent themes have included 'Traceability - From farm to fork', 'Urban agriculture', 'Film-making farmers', and 'Coping with climate change', with stories covering the use of participatory video, mobile-to-web messaging and online video-sharing by farmers and fishers in the Niger Delta to document the destruction of their lands and waters by oil companies; the use of VoIP by Jamaican ham radio operators to extend their reach when aiding emergency communications during hurricanes and other extreme weather events; and web applications to track labour standards along the supply chain from South African wine-grape farms to Tesco supermarket shelves in the United Kingdom.