From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Reprint of email
Darkness of Meta
Hello. A mist of darkness surrounds me, and I have too high of sense to tell you who I actually am; but I have come to tell you, of a great danger surrounding the wiki. Surrounding the world, and to the far far galaxies and outer dimensions of this universe you and I cling upon, as you read this message thousands of others will, so sit, and listen carefully. The company meta-wiki. Have access to almost every piece of information in the world, all pooled together, from the minds of many intelligent people. All gathered, to create one surge of knowledge, which stands to represent. The mighty Wikipedia, which seems to be in your eyes and of millions of others. The greatest, the highest and the most imense. But not all is perfect. The meta-wiki company are using the power of the wiki to establish the ultimate scourge. So that the world and beyond may belong to them, by bonding with the governments as the ultimate information service, then taking over. As with the knowledge of the wiki. They know they can do anything, good things and bad things. Cure all diseases, learn everything beyond knowing, see the world, and feel it, and take control of the human mind, and as millions of people donate millions and millions in their cash. They only seize to make the grand enemy stronger. The world is in danger, the wiki threatens us all. It knows everything, and it watches you gracefully.