Moesia Secunda
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Moesia Secunda was a late Roman province on the lower Danube.
At the end of the Third Century C.E., the old province of Moesia Inferior was divided into the two new provinces of Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor. Moesia Secunda's main cities included Marcianopolis (Devnya), Odessus, Nicopolis, Abrittus (Razgrad), Durostorum (Silistra), Transmarisca (Tutrakan), Sexaginta Prista (Ruse) and Novae (Svishtov).
A Roman army was stationed in Moesia Secunda, it included the weakened legions Legio I Italica and Legio XI Claudia, as well as independent infantry units, cavalry units, and river flotillas. The Notitia Dignitatum lists its units and their bases as of the 390s C.E..