Orthograde posture
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Orthograde is a term derived from Latin [ortho (upright) + gradi(to walk)] that describes a manner of walking which is upright, with the independent motion of limbs.
Both New and Old World monkeys are primarily arboreal, and they have a tendency to walk with their limbs swinging in parallel to one another. This differs from the manner of walking demonstrated by the apes. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans, when walking, walk upright, and their limbs swing in opposition to one another for balance (unlike monkeys, apes lack a tail to use for balance). This upright locomotion is called "orthograde posture".
[edit] See also
[edit] References
Kottak, Conrad Phillip. Windows On Humanity: A Concise Introduction to Anthropology. McGraw-Hill. New York, NY. 2005. pg. 80.