User:Qazafi Baloch
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Qazafi Baloch 19:30, 8 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Why Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf didnt win the heart of People
its no doubt that now a days Tehrik made a good roles in political forum. when we c the other parties that parties r trying their short cuts to get ride in govt.thareek role is very +ve. now mostly younger like the party. i did myself survy on net during chat mostly younger like tahreek specially after that event when mr bush arrived in Pakistan this is the only party how didnot welcome him. There is still questions in my mind why party is not growing much more ..? as per me. 1. Each poltical party have manefesto.and in this menefesto THERE IS A CHOCLATE.means that a salogon which atracts the people. like in PPP when it created its salogon was ROOTEE KUPRA MAKKAN, and religion party salogon Islam , the salgon atracts the people to join the party . but when u say INSAF this has very used terms and every party is using like social justice , isalmic rules etc. 2.. Govt. agencies of pakistan 3. worker or member Training. like a Jamat Islam thy have a program to traim their work specil books and thy are also conducting different seminar to promote their idias. 4. Strength in Basic roots in public but tahreek workrs sorry to say thy are sleeping. if we c the continiously winning of Camunist party in Bangal India there is one of the most reason that there street office are very active. 5. leadership. party look like dictator,s party. becase on public place specialy on media there is only one man show from part that is IMRAN KHAN no other spks man. even this party claim that it is an democrative party.
and i have some question about the Tehrik ideas. as PTI wrote on tope of hope page, 1. Democracy.wots its mean by this .democracy means that right of poor to slect rich person. or some thing othre 2.Establishment for walfare state..?? 3.Political freedum. can u r pary give any 1 example that is there any political freedum in any country ....? so please clear for me wot is political freedum. 4. Economic opertunity. did u r party has any clear cut rules that what will be economic opertunity. --Qazafi Baloch 19:57, 8 February 2007 (UTC)