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Legendary Dogs? Legendary Cats? Maybe Legendary Beasts would be a more general term to avoid dispute/confusion
- Gerbils. Definitely gerbils.
- LOL. Personaly, I think they look like cats (Entei- lion, Raikou- tiger, Suicune- cheetah), but other people might think differently. -- ~PinkDeoxys~ 16:31, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Atmacune
- Legendary fourfoots. And for GSC there should be a mention of the Atmacune (curse/rest/roar/return) -- DragonAtma
- Why? I have never heard of it, and from your name, it looks like you just made it up. Besides, that is a TERRIBLE moveset, not to mention that movesets aren't encyclopedic. The only one that MIGHT be is Curselax, and maybe Tyraniboah.
- You haven't heard of it because you don't browse the internet enough or read Nintendo Power. I've used Atmacune as far back as 2000, for she is the ultimate Curser -- Curselax, for example, will be slaughtered by Atmacune. In addition, trying to Roar or Whirlwind Atmacune away will fail because Atmacune will be Roaring as well, and only the slower pokemon's Roar will succeed. But if you don't believe me, try asking about Atmacune on the Gamefaqs Pokemon Gold board.
- You've obviously never tried to kill my Curselax. And besides, your Atmacune has the TEENY little problem that you're dead if someone brings out aything resistant to normal, since your attack is so terrible. It doesn't matter anyway, because movesets are still not encyclopedic. -Amarkov babble 13:13, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
- Explain to me how 992 Attack is terrible.
- Well, there's the fact that you need to pull off six Curses to get that much, while Snorlax can do it in three. And the aformentioned fact that anything resistant to Normal kills you, and anything immune to it OWNS you. Besides, whether or not it's good, specific movesets are not encyclopedia worthy, per WP:NOT a game guide. -Amarkov babble 00:33, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
- (1) Snorlax needs five curses to reach 999, (2) Curse raises your defense too (maxing out at 999 after five curses), and (3) Thanks to all the boosts, Atmacune will be doing more damage to resistant pokemon than she takes -- for example, she'll do 159-188 damage PER HIT to Aerodactyl, who only has 363 HP!
- It really doesn't matter. I'll argue more about whether or not the set is good, but even if it is the best set ever (which it isn't, because Gengar kills it, period), the fact remains, movesets are not encyclopedic. -Amarkov babble 02:44, 13 October 2006 (UTC)
- I have to agree, "Atmacune" is probably the worst idea for a Suicune set I've ever seen. How can you even dare to compare it to Curselax? Obviously you haven't any idea how and why Curselax works. If any movesets should be mentioned, it should be the standard. Calm Mind/Surf/Roar/Rest. Since the standard is a major contender in the contemporary metagame, it would be worth mentioning. Some kid's very poorly conceived, self-referencing moveset is not worth a mention. Gatero 11:05, 22 February 2007 (UTC)