The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
Hereby awarded to Usogorri for most generously translating and providing a pronunciation guide for a beautiful piece of Basque music, even though it wasn't really Wiki-related! --Yummifruitbat (from |
The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
This izarra (I hope it's the proper word) is hereby awarded to Usogorri as gratitude for all the help he has provided me with (in the field of not only editing the Basque Wikipedia, but also getting to know the Basque language at least a bit) until now and might be willing to provide in the future. Airwolf 21:43, 22 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC) |
- Rhodri Morgan
- Partikulen fisika
- Erlatibitatearen teoria
- Brighton
- Lokaltasun printzipioa
- EPR paradoxa
- Zirrikitu bikoitzaren saiakuntza
- Argiaren teoria korpuskular
- Bohren eredu atomikoa
- Marruskadura indarra
- Thomsonen eredu atomikoa
- Higidura
- Fisikarien zerrenda
- Positroi
- Fisika nuklearra
- Antineutrino
- Karga elektrikoa
Osatuta :
- Laino kamara
- Fisikaren historia
- Beta partikula
- Alfa partikula
- Zirrikitu bikoitzaren saiakuntza partikula kuantikoekin
- Mekanika klasikoaren historia
- Joseph Beuys
- E=mc²
- Matthauspassion
- Alvarez Rabo
- Juanjo Saez
- Rutherford sakabanaketa
- Geiger-Marsden saiakuntza
- Antipartikula
- Mekanika klasiko
- Fisika
- Bixente Goikoetxea
- Homenaje a Walt Disney
- Variaciones sobre un tema vasco
- Triptico del buen pastor
- Euskal folkloreko XXII abesti
- Sinfonia Pirinaica
- Diez melodias vascas
- El caserio
- Amaya
- Una aventura de Don Quijote
- Leyenda vasca
- Mirentxu
- Euskal musika klasikoa XX. mendeko sarreran
- Sabin Salaberri
- Jose Sainz Basabe
- Gelatxoa
- Jesus Guridi
- Ernest Rutherford
- Niels Bohr