A Wikipédiából, a szabad lexikonból.
A spiritualizmus az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban indult vallási mozgalom, amelynek jelentősége az 1840-es és az 1920-as évek között volt a legnagyobb, különösen az angolszász országokban. Hitük alapja, hogy a halott lelkekkel kapcsolatba lehe lépni az úgynevezett médiumokon kertesztül. Ezek a halott lelkek a spiritualisták szerint a lét egy magasabb fokán vannak, mint az egyszerű, élő emberek, és ezért védelmet nyújthatnak.
[szerkesztés] Irodalom
- Brandon, Ruth. 1983. The Spiritualists: The Passion for the Occult in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
- Braude, Ann. 2001. Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0 253 21502 1.
- Britten, Emma Hardinge. 1884. Nineteenth Century Miracles: Spirits and their Work in Every Country of the Earth. New York: William Britten.
- Brown, Slater. 1970. The Heyday of Spiritualism, New York: Hawthorn Books.
- Buescher, John B. 2003. The Other Side of Salvation: Spiritualism and the Nineteenth-Century Religious Experience. Boston: Skinner House Books. ISBN 1 55896 448 7.
- Carroll, Bret E. 1997. Spiritualism in Antebellum America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0 253 33315 6.
- Deveney, John Patrick and Franklin Rosemont. 1996. Paschal Beverly Randolph: A Nineteenth-Century Black American Spiritualist, Rosicrucian, and Sex Magician. State University of New York Press. ISBN 0 7914 3120 7.
- Doyle, Arthur Conan. 1926. The History of Spiritualism. New York: G.H. Doran, Co. Volume 1 Volume 2. ISBN 1 4101 0243 2.
- Fodor, Nandor, An Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science, 1934.
- Guthrie, John J. Jr., Phillip Charles Lucas, and Gary Monroe (editors). 2000. Cassadaga: the South’s Oldest Spiritualist Community. Gainesville, FL : University Press of Florida. ISBN 0 8130 1743 2.
- Hess, David. Spiritism and Science in Brazil. Ph.D thesis, Dept. of Anthropology, Cornell University, 1987.
- Lindgren, Carl Edwin (January, 1994). Spiritualism: Innocent Beliefs to Scientific Curiosity. Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Volume 17, Number 1:8-15. ISSN:1731:2148 [1]
- Lindgren, Carl Edwin (March, 1994). Scientific investigation and Religious Uncertainty 1880-1900. Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Volume 17, Number 2:83-91. [2]
- Moore, William D., 1997. "'To Hold Communion with Nature and the Spirit-World:' New England's Spiritualist Camp Meetings, 1865-1910." In Annmarie Adams and Sally MacMurray, eds. Exploring Everyday Landscapes: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, VII. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. ISBN 0 8704 9983 1.
- Tokarzówna, Krystyna and Stanisław Fita, 1969. Bolesław Prus, 1847-1912: Kalendarz życia i twórczości (Bolesław Prus, 1847-1912: a Calendar of [His] Life and Work), edited by Zygmunt Szweykowski, Warsaw, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, pp. 440, 443, 445–53, 521.
- Weisberg, Barbara. 2004. Talking to the Dead, San Francisco: Harper.
- Wicker, Christine. 2003. Lily Dale: the True Story of the Town that talks to the Dead, San Francisco:Harper.
[szerkesztés] Külső hivatkozások
- Spiritualist E-Texts
- Religious Movements: Spiritualism
- The Catholic Encyclopedia: Spiritism
- Google mirror of the Open Directory Project: Spiritualism
- Spiritualist's National Union UK
- Collection of Spiritualist E-Texts
- John B. Buescher's website on the history of Spiritualism
- Poet and Egyptologist Gerald Massey on 'Why I Became a Spiritualist'
- Florence Cook and Katie King. The story of a Spiritualist medium
- Andrew Lang, Fetishism and Spiritualism, The Making of Religion, (Chapter VIII), Longmans, Green, and C°, London, New York and Bombay, 1900, pp. 147-159.
- Christian Spirituality