Internationalist Review
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The Internationalist Review is an independent, non-profit e-journal founded on July 3, 2006 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. The IR wants to be in its own words "a reader-friendly guide to news sources from around the world".{"A conceptual tour through the Internationalist Review"; 2006) Its aim is to overcome the national partition of the public sphere and create an "espace publique mondial" (see Habermas). The style of publications is clearly inspired by academic methods and standards.
The first board of directors of the Internationalist Review Foundation consisted of seven members, including five different nationalities. The first published dossier dealt with the anti-CPE crisis in France. Apart from its internet platform the Internationalist Review also organises informative events in different countries.
The organisation is registered as a non-profit foundation under Dutch law at the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague. It is funded by subventions and donations from its external partners, like the European Union or the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lille, France.