Daftar algoritma
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Berikut adalah daftar algoritma.
Lihat juga daftar struktur data, daftar topik umum algoritma, dan daftar istilah yang berhubungan dengan algoritma dan struktur data.
[sunting] Algoritma kombinatorial
[sunting] Algoritma kombinatorial umum
- Algoritma pencari-siklus Floyd: iterasi untuk mencari siklus dalam barisan/sekuens
- (uniformly distributed) Pseudorandom number generators:
- Blum Blum Shub
- Mersenne twister
- Robinson-Schensted algorithm: generates permutations from pairs of Young tableaux
[sunting] Algoritma graph
- Algoritma Bellman-Ford: menghitung jarak terpendek pada graf berbobot, di mana sisi bisa memiliki bobot negatif
- Algoritma Dijkstra: menghitung jarak terpendek pada graf berbobot, tanpa sisi berbobot negatif.
- Algoritma Floyd-Warshall: menghitung solusi jarak terpendek untuk semua pasang titik pada sebuah graf berarah dan berbobot
- Algoritma Kruskal: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
- Algoritma Prim: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
- Algoritma Boruvka: mencari pohon rentang minimum pada sebuah graf
- Algoritma Ford-Fulkerson: computes the maximum flow in a graph
- Algoritma Edmonds-Karp: implementation of Ford-Fulkerson
- Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch say, for a telephone exchange
- Spring based algorithm: algorithm for graph drawing
- Topological sort
- Algoritma Hungaria: algorithm for finding a perfect matching
[sunting] Algoritma pencarian
- Pencarian linear: mencari sebuah item pada sebuah list tak berurut
- Algoritma seleksi: mencari item ke-k pada sebuah list
- Pencarian biner: menemukan sebuah item pada sebuah list terurut
- Pohon Pencarian Biner
- Pencarian Breadth-first: menelusuri sebuah graf tingkatan demi tingkatan
- Pencarian Depth-first: menelusuri sebuah graf cabang demi cabang
- Pencarian Best-first: menelusuri sebuah graf dengan urutan sesuai kepentingan dengan menggunakan antrian prioritas
- Pencarian pohon A*: kasus khusus dari pencarian best-first
- Pencarian Prediktif: pencarian mirip biner dengan faktor pada magnitudo dari syarat pencarian terhadap nilai atas dan bawah dalam pencarian. Kadang-kadang disebut pencarian kamus atau pencarian interpolasi.
- Tabel Hash: mencari sebuah item dalam sebuah kumpulan tak berurut dalam waktu O(1).
[sunting] String algorithms
[sunting] Searching
- Algoritma Aho-Corasick
- Algoritma Bitap
- Boyer-Moore string search algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- Rabin-Karp string search algorithm
[sunting] Approximate matching
- Levenshtein edit distance
[sunting] Algoritma penyusunan
- Binary tree sort
- Bogosort
- Bubble sort: for each pair of indices, swap the items if out of order
- Bucket sort
- Comb sort
- Cocktail sort
- Counting sort
- Gnome sort
- Heapsort: convert the list into a heap, keep removing the largest element from the heap and adding it to the end of the list
- Insertion sort: determine where the current item belongs in the list of sorted ones, and insert it there
- Merge sort: sort the first and second half of the list separately, then merge the sorted lists
- Pancake sorting
- Pigeonhole sort
- Quicksort: divide list into two, with all items on the first list coming before all items on the second list.; then sort the two lists. Often the method of choice
- Radix sort: sorts strings letter by letter
- Selection sort: pick the smallest of the remaining elements, add it to the end of the sorted list
- Shell sort: an attempt to improve insertion sort
- Smoothsort
- Stupid sort
- Topological sort
[sunting] Compression algorithms
[sunting] Lossless compression algorithms
- Burrows-Wheeler transform: preprocessing useful for improving lossless compression
- DEFLATE: lossless data compression
- Delta encoding: aid to compression of data in which sequential data occurs frequently
- Incremental encoding: delta encoding applied to sequences of strings
- LZW: lossless data compression (Lempel-Ziv-Welch)
- LZ77 (algorithm): LZ77 and LZ78 are the names for the two lossless data compression algorithms
- LZMA: short for Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm
- LZO: data compression algorithm that is focused on speed
- PPM compression algorithm
- Shannon-Fano coding
- Truncated binary encoding
- Run-length encoding: lossless data compression taking advantage of strings of repeated characters
- SEQUITUR algorithm: lossless compression by incremental grammar inference on a string
- EZW (Embedded Zerotree Wavelet)
- Entropy encoding: coding scheme that assigns codes to symbols so as to match code lengths with the probabilities of the symbols
- Huffman coding: simple lossless compression taking advantage of relative character frequencies
- Adaptive Huffman coding: adaptive coding technique based on Huffman coding
- Arithmetic coding: advanced entropy coding
- Range encoding: data compression method that is believed to approach the compression ratio of arithmetic coding
- Huffman coding: simple lossless compression taking advantage of relative character frequencies
- Entropy coding with known entropy characteristics
- Unary coding: code that represents a number n with n ones followed by a zero
- Elias delta|gamma|omega coding: universal code encoding the positive integers
- Fibonacci coding: universal code which encodes positive integers into binary code words
- Golomb coding: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric distributions
- Rice coding: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric distributions
[sunting] Lossy compression algorithms
- Linear predictive coding: lossy compression by representing the spectral envelope of a digital signal of speech in compressed form
- A-law algorithm: standard companding algorithm
- Mu-law algorithm: standard analog signal compression or companding algorithm
- Fractal compression: method used to compress images using fractals
- Transform coding: type of data compression for "natural" data like audio signals or photographic images
- Vector quantization: technique often used in lossy data compression
- Wavelet compression: form of data compression well suited for image compression (sometimes also video compression and audio compression)
[sunting] Computational geometry
- Gift wrapping algorithm: determining the convex hull of a set of points
- Graham scan determining the convex hull of a set of points in the plane
- Point in polygon: tests whether a given point lies within a given polygon
[sunting] Grafik komputer
- Bresenham's line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
- DDA line algorithm: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses floating-point math)
- Flood fill: fills a connected region of a multi-dimensional array with a specified symbol
- Painter's algorithm: detects visible parts of a 3-dimensional scenery
- Ray tracing: realistic image rendering
[sunting] Algoritma Kriptografi
Lihat juga Topik dalam kriptografi
- Symmetric (secret key) encryption:
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), winner of NIST competition
- Blowfish
- Data Encryption Standard (DES), sometimes DE Algorithm, winner of NBS selection competition, replaced by AES for most purposes
- RC4 (cipher)
- Asymmetric (public key) encryption or digital signature:
- ElGamal
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- NTRUEncrypt
- Cryptographic Message digest functions:
- MD5 – Note that there is now a method of generating collisions for MD5
- RIPEMD-160
- SHA-1
- HMAC: keyed-hash message authentication
- Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators
- Blum Blum Shub - based on the hardness of factorization
- Yarrow algorithm
- Fortuna, allegedly an improvement on Yarrow
- Other
- Diffie-Hellman: key exchange
[sunting] Algoritma Distributed systems
- Lamport ordering: a partial ordering of events based on the happened-before relation
- Snapshot algorithm: a snapshot is the process of recording the global state of a system
- Vector ordering: a total ordering of events
[sunting] Algoritma Numerical
See also main article numerical analysis and list of numerical analysis topics
- Algoritma De Boor: computes splines.
- Algoritma De Casteljau: computes Bezier curves
- False position method: approximates roots of a function
- Gauss-Jordan elimination: solves systems of linear equations
- Algoritma Gauss-Legendre: computes the digits of pi
- Gauss-Newton algorithm: find minimum of function of several variables
- Kahan summation algorithm: a more accurate method of summing floating-point numbers
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: find minimum of function of several variables
- MISER algorithm: Monte Carlo simulation, numerical integration
- Newton's method: finds zeros of functions with calculus
- Rounding functions: the classic ways to round numbers
- Secant method: approximates roots of a function
- Shifting nth-root algorithm: digit by digit root extraction
- Square root: approximates the square root of a number
- Strassen algorithm
[sunting] Optimization algorithms
- Simplex algorithm: An algorithm for solving the linear programming problem
- Branch and bound
- Simulated annealing
- Genetic algorithms
- Particle swarm
- Tabu search
- Local search
[sunting] Digital signal processing
- CORDIC: Fast trigonometric function computation technique.
- Fast Fourier transform: determines the frequencies contained in a (segment of a) signal
- Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm
- Rainflow-counting algorithm: Reduces a complex stress history to a count of elementary stress-reversals for use in fatigue analysis
- Osem: algorithm for processing of medical images
- Goertzel algorithm Can be used for DTMF digit decoding.
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Rader's FFT algorithm
- Bluestein's FFT algorithm
[sunting] Number theoretic algorithms
- Discrete logarithm:
- Baby-step giant-step
- Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms
- Pohlig-Hellman algorithm
- Index calculus algorithm
- Euclidean algorithm: computes the greatest common divisor
- Integer factorization: breaking an integer into its prime factors
- Trial division
- Lenstra elliptic curve factorization
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- Pollard's p-1 algorithm
- Congruence of squares
- Quadratic sieve
- Special number field sieve
- General number field sieve
- Jones's period proxy algorithm
- Multiplication algorithms: fast multiplication of two numbers
- Primality tests: determining whether a given number is prime
- AKS primality test
- Miller-Rabin primality test
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sieve of Atkin
[sunting] Numerical algebra
- Buchberger's algorithm: finds a Gröbner basis
- Eigenvalue algorithm
- Exponentiating by squaring: quickly computes powers of numbers and matrices
- Gram-Schmidt process: orthogonalizes a set of vectors
- Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm: for rewriting rule systems
- Multivariate division algorithm: for polynomials in several indeterminates
[sunting] Parsing
- Recursive descent parser: A top-down parser suitable for LL(k) grammars
- LL parser: A relatively simple linear time parsing algorithm for a limited class of context-free grammars
- LR parser: A more complex linear time parsing algorithm for a larger class of context-free grammars. Variants:
- Operator-precedence parser
- SLR (Simple LR) parser
- LALR (Look-ahead LR) parser
- Canonical LR parser
- Packrat parser: A linear time parsing algorithm supporting some context-free grammars and parsing expression grammars
- CYK algorithm: An O(n3) algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar
- Earley's algorithm: Another O(n3) algorithm for parsing any context-free grammar
[sunting] Teknik perangkat lunak
- Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics: recovery
- Unicode Collation Algorithm
- CHS conversion: Converting between disk addressing systems
- Cyclic redundancy check: calculation of a check word
- Parity: Simple/fast error detection technique. Is a number even or odd?
- Diff: compare two sequences. An example of Dynamic programming (dynamic refers to the property that the optimal solution can be constructed by combining optimal solutions to sub-problems e.g. quicksort).
[sunting] Algoritma kuantum
Application of quantum computation to various categories of problems and algorithms
- Grover's algorithm: provides quadratic speedup for many search problems
- Shor's algorithm: provides exponential speedup for factorizing a number
- Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm: criterion of balance for Boolean function
[sunting] Algoritma medis
- Medical algorithm
- Texas Medication Algorithm Project
[sunting] Lainnya
- Astronomical algorithms
- Banker's algorithm
- Baum-Welch algorithm
- Doomsday algorithm: day of the week
- Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm
- Marzullo's algorithm: distributed clock synchronization
- Page replacement algorithms
- Risch algorithm
- Schreier-Sims algorithm
- Todd-Coxeter algorithm
- Viterbi algorithm
- Xor swap algorithm: swaps the values of two variables without using a buffer
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