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== Welcome ==
I'm a student at the University of Michigan - Dearborn Campus in Dearborn, Michigan. I'm a junior who is an undecided major with interests ranging everywhere from history to biology to computers. I first found out about Wikipedia around a year ago and have contributed under anonymous ip addresses for a while until I decided to create a name. I'm glad to be here and I strongly respect Wikipedia. Even though I may not always make the best decisions in editing Wikipedia I always do what I think will help Wikipedia expand and live on forever.
Current Time: Saturday, March 31 13:52 UTC.
What happens if a Wikipedian dies? He or she just doesn't show up to edit anymore. Does anybody notice? Does anybody really even care? To all those Wikipedians who may have died and been forgotten here, Thank you for your contributions and Rest in Peace.
Current projects: City Life (computer game), Monte Cristo (company), Deep Silver