Judicial District of Huánuco/Pasco
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The Judicial District of Huánuco-Pasco is one of the 28 Judicial Districts of the Judicial System of Peru.
It's headquarters is in the city of Huánuco and its juristiction extends over the entire Huánuco Region with the exception of the Marañón Province which belongs to the Judicial District of Ancash and the Puerto Inca Province which belongs to the Judicial District of Ucayali. In addition, it has juristiction over the provinces of Pasco and Daniel Alcídes Carrión of the Pasco Region. It also has juritiction over the Tocache Province in the San Martín Region.
It was created by the Law Nº 8166 and was established April 30, 1936 under the presidency of Óscar R. Benavides.