List of Star Wars sectors
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This is a list of sectors in the fictional Star Wars universe.
Under the definition of a sector in Star Wars, it must have 50 star systems within its boundaries, but some sectors have outgrown this number.
Contents: | Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] A
[edit] Ablajeck
This sector that neighbors Moddell Sector is home to the planet of Xal 3.
[edit] Abrion
The Abrion Sector is home to the Rishi System.
[edit] Allied Tion
The planet of Lianna is located in this sector.
[edit] Aparo
[edit] Ansuroer
The home sector of Reibrin.
[edit] Antemeridian
Home to the planet of Antemeridias.
[edit] Anthos
The Anthos Sector is in the Outer Rim and contains the planet Berchest.
[edit] Arkanis
The Arkanis Sector is home to the Tatooine and Pii Systems.
[edit] Atrivis
The planet of Generis is located in this remote sector.
[edit] Auril
The planets of Nespis VIII and Ossus are located here. The giant gas cloud, the Cron Drift, comprises a large majority of the sector.
[edit] Altyr
The Altyr System is the location of the mountainous Altyr 5, location of a New Republic base years after the Battle of Endor.
[edit] B
[edit] Bajic
The Vergesso Asteroids are located in the Bajic Sector.
[edit] Bormea
The Bormea Sector is located at the intersection of the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route and home to Corulag, Brentaal, and Chandrila. The Ringali Nebula also curves around this sector.
[edit] Bothan
Bothan Sector, also known as Bothan Space, is located in the Mid Rim. The sector contains the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui, and associated other Bothan colony worlds such as Kothlis. In the early days of the New Republic, the sector was represented by Senator Borsk Fey'lya.
[edit] Brak
In the center of Brak Sector lies the Aramand Cluster, including the planet of Aram. Demar and Genesia are also located in the sector.
[edit] Braxant
The last planet to be renamed Bastion is located in Braxant Sector in the Deep Core.
[edit] C
[edit] Cadavine
The Cadavine Sector is home to the planet Zhar.
[edit] Chommell
Chommell Sector, represented by Senators Vidar Kim, Palpatine, Padmé Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, Pooja Naberrie, and Arani Korden, is home to the Naboo system and Chommell System.
[edit] Corporate
Located at the edge of the galaxy in the Tingel Arm, the Corporate Sector contains the systems of Ammund, Bonadan, Etti IV, and Mytus VII. It is run by the Corporate Sector Authority.
[edit] Corellian
Home to Commenor and the Corellian system, which contains the planets of Corellia, Talus, Tralus, Drall, and Selonia.
[edit] Coruscant
Home to the Coruscant System, the heart of the Core Worlds of the Galactic Republic/Galactic Empire/Yuuzhan Vong.
[edit] D
[edit] Dalonbian
Located in the Tingel Arm, the Dalonbian Sector contains the systems of Belkadan and Helska.
[edit] Darpa
Darpa is home to the planet Muskree. It is located to the inside of the Dagobah sector.
[edit] Doldur
Located along the Corellian Run, the Doldur Sector is home to the planetary systems of Doldur, Druckenwell, and Monor II. The Dragonflower Nebula is also located in this sector. The Doldur Sector was an area of intense rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, however the unrest was quelled by the Empire.
[edit] Duro
[edit] Dorvalla
The Dorvalla Sector is located in the Outer Rim Territories just beyond the free trade zone.
[edit] E
[edit] Elrood
The Elrood Sector is located off of the Rimma Trade Route adjacent to the Kathol Sector. The systems of Elrood, Derilyn, Lanthrym, Merisee, Korad, Berea, Bodrin, Coyn, Kidron, Dega, Osirrag, Halbora, and Kuras.
[edit] F
[edit] Farlax
Located very near the core of the galaxy, the Farlax Sector is home to the Koornacht Cluster. Within the Cluster lies the Duskhan League and the N'Zoth System.
[edit] G
[edit] Gordin Reach
The Gordin Reach holds the planet Yavin.
[edit] Gricho
The Gricho Sector shares a part of the Cowl Crucible with the Lahara Sector.
[edit] H
[edit] Halla
Halla Sector is located in the Mid Rim. Bimmisaari is the sector capital; Danuta is also in this sector.
[edit] Hapes
Hapes Sector is ruled by the Hapes Consortium.
[edit] Hutt Space
Hutt Space is a region in between the Mid and Outer Rim Territories, that is controlled by criminal gangsters known as the Hutts. It was subjugated by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion after the Hutts attempted to double cross them.
The space is comprised of planets such as Nal Hutta and Ylesia. The Y'toub system is the location of both Nal Hutta, and the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa. It is surrounded by the planets Bimmisaari, Kubindi, Kessel, Honoghr, Barabi and Gamorr. The Tion Cluster is the right and Bothan Space to the left.
[edit] J
[edit] Juvex
[edit] K
[edit] Kalarba
Kalarba Sector contains the planet Kalarba.
[edit] Kastolar
The planet of Sneeve is located is this sector.
[edit] Kathol
Home to the Pimbrellan League, Kathol Republic, and Qektoth Confederation, the Kathol Sector is located at the edge of the galaxy. The Kal'Shebbol system is at its northern-most fringe. The main routes that run through it are the Triton Trade Route, the Galatea Run, and the Sebiris Run.
[edit] Kessel
Bordering The Maw, the Kessel Sector is home to the Kessel System.
[edit] Kuat
Home to the Kuat System, the Kuat Sector also contains the systems of Redrish, Drurish, Ulian, Kidir, Monadin, Renegg, Venir, and Horthav.
During Imperial control, certain routes were established within the Kuat Traffic Zone, restricting four systems to access a passenger port at Kuat, four systems to access a freight port, and four unknown systems that could access an Imperial port.
[edit] L
[edit] Lahara
The Lahara Sector shares a part of the Cowl Crucible with the Gricho. The planet of Agamar is located in this sector.
[edit] Lytton
The Lytton Sector was the sector that Finis Valorum represented in the Galactic Senate when he was a Senator.
[edit] M
[edit] Mayagil
The planets Clak'dor VII and Xagobah
[edit] Meridian
The Chorios system, including the planet of Nam Chorios, is located in Meridian Sector, along with Ampliquen and Budpock.
[edit] Moddell
Home to the Endor and Annaj Systems.
[edit] N
[edit] Nilgaard
The Nilgaard Sector contains the planets of Emmer, Dalos IV, and Reaper's World.
[edit] O
[edit] Orus
The Orus Sector is located in the Outer Rim, near Anthos Sector. Planets in the Orus Sector include Chazwa.
[edit] P
[edit] Periphery Sector
The Periphery Sector is located in the Outer Rim. Planets in the Periphery Sector include Sriluur
[edit] Q
[edit] Quelli
Home of the Dathomir System.
[edit] Quence
Suarbi 7 and Elshandruu Pica are located here.
[edit] R
[edit] Raioballo
The home sector of Dantooine.
[edit] S
[edit] Senex
[edit] Sern
Sern Sector contains the planet Ghorman, which was the site of an Imperial massacre.
[edit] Sesswenna
Located at the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Hydian Way, Sesswenna Sector contains the planet of Eriadu.
[edit] Sluis
This sector contains the systems of Dagobah, Bpfassh, Sluis Van, and Praesitlyn.
[edit] Spar
This sectors borders the Moddell Sector
[edit] Subterrel
Subterrel Sector was a sector beyond the Outer Rim, in Wild Space, between the Rimma Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Planets in the Sector included Subterrel itself, Polis Massa, and Kallidah.
[edit] Sulorine
The Sulorine System gives it name to this sector.
[edit] T
[edit] Tapani
Eight provinces make up the Tapani Sector: Reena Province, Melantha Province, Barnaba Province, Mecetti Province, Calipsa Province, Pelagia Province, Cadriaan Province, and the Freeworlds Territory. This sector comprises mostly ancient houses. The Shapani Bypass spurs into Tapani Sector. Planets of note are Mrlsst and Fondor.
[edit] Tharin
[edit] Tion
Tion Sector is ruled by the Tion Hegemony
[edit] V
[edit] Vivenda
The Vivenda Sector contains the planet of Dorvalla.
[edit] W
[edit] Wyl
The Wyl Sector borders both the Aparo Sector and the Corporate Sector Authority.
[edit] X
[edit] Xappyh
Xappyh Sector is located in the Outer Rim. Jedi Master Jorus C'Baoth was the Ambassador-at-Large for this sector.
It is to be noted that the game Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly places a number of planets in Xappyh Sector.
[edit] Other areas of the galaxy
Aramand Cluster | Bothan Space | The Centrality | Corporate Sector Authority | Cronese Mandate | The Divis Arm | | Hapes Consortium | Imperial Remnant | Iotran Expanse | Karstaxon Regions | The Periphery | Si'Klaata Cluster | Stenness Node | Tion Hegemony |
[edit] See also
[edit] External link
Planets and moons of Star Wars | |
Major planets | |
Alderaan | Almas | Anoth | Bespin | Byss | Caamas | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Dagobah | Dantooine | Dellalt | Dxun | Geonosis | Hoth | Ithor | Kamino | Kashyyyk Korriban | Malachor V | Manaan | Mon Calamari | Mustafar | Myrkr | Naboo | Onderon | Ossus | Taris | Tatooine | Telos |
Planet list | |
A-B | C-D | E-G | H-J | K-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-V | W-Z | Destroyed planets | |
Moons | |
Dxun | Endor | Nar Shaddaa | Yavin IV List of Star Wars moons |
Other | |
List of Star Wars sectors | List of Star Wars systems | Star Wars galaxy |