Magnetic effective resistance
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Magnetic effective resistance is the parameter of a passive magnetic circuit or its element, which is equal to the relation of the effective power, which is absorbing in this element, to the square of the effective value of a magnetic current in it.
Magnetic effective resistance [1-3] is the component of complex magnetic impedance of the alternating current circuit, which absorbs an magnetic energy, and can be determined by calculation in function of the active power P and the effective value of a magnetic current IM accordingly to the formula: . In effective magnetic resistance the energy loss is producing by the loss in its magnetic and electric fields. The magnetic effective resistance on a complex plane appears as the side of the resistance triangle for magnetic circuit of an alternating current. The effective magnetic resistance is bounding with the effective magnetic conductance gM by the expression
where zM is the full magnetic impedance of a magnetic circuit.
[edit] References
[1] Pohl R. W. ELEKTRIZITÄTSLEHRE. – Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 1960.
[2] Popov V. P. The Principles of Theory of Circuits. – M.: Higher School, 1985, 496 p. (In Russian).
[3] Küpfmüller K. Einführung in die theoretische Elektrotechnik, Springer-Verlag, 1959.