User talk:Ganbat
Welcome to Mongolian Wikipedia Ganbat!
We hope you can contribute, no matter what your language skills are.
--Jose77 20:59, 23 Наймдугаар сар 2006 (UTC)
[Өөрчлөх] mongol wiki
ta bid 2 l oird endhiin zochin ni bolj baih shig bainaa. baga bagaar nemeh zasah yumaa hiigeed artice-nhaa toog yadaj 500 hurgechih yumsan daa tee. ta ingehed ooriinho taniltsuulgiig hiiigeech ho.
[Өөрчлөх] Administrator application
I have placed your name here. --Jose77 03:34, 28 Есдүгээр сар 2006 (UTC)