User talk:Russ
Де ла Википедия ын лимба молдовеняскэ
Buna ziua Russ,
Please come vote at User:Ronline/Alegeri pentru administratori. Multumesc!
[edit] 안넝하십니다!
Хей Русс,
Some of your conversions are incorrect. A short list:
- ~ie does not always convert to е. Usually, it converts to ие. It only converts to е if it is preceeded by another vowel, as in trebuie = требуе; noiembrie = ноембрие... EXCEPT for the word "pierde" and all conjugations (starting with pierd~, ie pierdut), which converts to пьерде
- ~iu does not always convert to ю. Usually, it converts to иу. It only converts to ю if it is preceeded by another vowel, as in păpuşoiul = пэпушоюл, or in a handful of other cases, most notably ochiul = окюл.
- ~ia does not always convert to я. It only converts to я if: it is at the beginning of a word (ianuarie = януарие; iarnă = ярнэ), in the middle of a single-syllable word (chiar = кяр), if it is preceeded by another vowel (ăia = эя). If it is at the end of a word, it becomes ия: germania = ӂермания; documentaţia = документация... Otherwise it is just иа most of the time.
- ~io never converts to ё. ё is not used in Moldovan, except for Russian names (Mihail Gorbaciov = Михайл Горбачёв), although sometimes it's just written as е because it's easier to type, and easier to write. If it's after another vowel, ~io = йо.
- Other than this, there are some other smaller mistakes, but those are the biggest I can see and I hope you will fix them right away.
Cheers Node
[edit] Для чего ?
Видать у тебя с румынским и английским плохо, попробую русский. Нет, ну серьёзно, что ты делаешь и для чего ? Ты ведь не знаешь наш язык, а то что ты делаешь сейчас можно заменить простым скриптом для перевода latin->cyrillic. У нас скоро будут проходить выборы по поводу будущего этой википедии, я прошу тебя, не надо просто катать статьи из, если это будет кому-то надо, можно написать скрипт который это бы делал автоматически на вики.