Pál Kinizsi
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Pál Kinizsi (Romanian: Pavel Cneazul) was a general in the army of king Matthias Corvinus.
He was Comes of Temesvár and General Captain of The Lower Parts of the Kingdom of Hungary (generalis capitaneus inferiorum partium regni). He is known about his victory over the Ottomans in the Battle of Kenyérmező, in October 1479.
He married Benigna Magyar, the daughter of Balázs Magyar, another general of Corvinus. His central estate was the Castle of Nagyvázsony. He had no known issue.
After the death of king Matthias he supported Uladislaus II and defeated the former king's Black Army which became a robber band after its dissolution.
He is also a hero of some Hungarian folk tales along with king Matthias Corvinus as extremely strong former miller. In fact he originated from the lower gentry.