Philip F. Deaver

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Philip F. Deaver is an American poet and writer from Tuscola, Illinois. His work has appeared in dozens of literary magazines. Among them are the New England Review, The Kenyon Review, Frostproof Review, The Florida Review, Poetry Miscellany and The Reaper.

He is currently a professor of English at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida and also teaches in the Spalding University limited residency MFA program.

[edit] Literary career

In 1986 he received the Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction for his story collection Silent Retreats (University of Georgia Press, 1988). In 1988 his story Arcola Girls appeared in Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards.

In 1995 his short story, Forty Martyrs, was cited in Best American Short Stories. Later that year his short story The Underlife was cited in the Pushcart Prize XX.

In May, 2005 his collection of poems, How Men Pray, was published. In August of that year two poems—The Worrier's Guild and Flying—were selected by Garrison Keillor for The Writer's Almanac. In the summer of 2006, Deaver's story Lowell and the Rolling Thunder appeared in the Kenyon Review with an interview with the author posted on their website at

[edit] Selected bibliography

[edit] External links