Nadine Gordimer
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Nadine Gordimer (Johannesburg, África do Sul, 20 de novembro de 1923) é uma escritora.
Índice |
[editar] Obras
[editar] Ficção
- The Lying Days (1953)
- A World of Strangers (1958)
- Occasion for Loving (1963)
- The Late Bourgeois World (1966)
- A Guest of Honour (1970)
- The Conservationist (1974) - vencedor do Booker prize de 1974
- Burger's Daughter (1979)
- July's People (1982)
- A Sport of Nature (1987)
- My Son's Story (1990)
- None to Accompany Me (1994)
- The House Gun (1998)
- The Pickup (2001)
- Get a Life (2005)
[editar] Colectâneas de contos
- Face to Face (1949)
- Town and Country Lovers
- The Soft Voice of the Serpent (1952)
- Six feet of the Country (1956)
- Not for Publication (1965)
- Livingstone's Companions (1970)
- Selected Stories (1975)
- No Place Like: Selected Stories (1978)
- A Soldier's Embrace (1980)
- Something Out There (1984)
- Correspondence Course and other Stories (1984)
- The Moment Before the Gun Went Off (1988)
- Jump: And Other Stories (1991)
- Why Haven't You Written: Selected Stories 1950-1972 (1992)
- Loot: And Other Stories (2003)
[editar] Peças
- The First Circle (1949) publicado em Six One-Act Plays
[editar] Ensaios
[editar] Outras
1976: Bellow | 1977: Aleixandre | 1978: Singer | 1979: Elytis | 1980: Miłosz | 1981: Canetti | 1982: García Márquez | 1983: Golding | 1984: Seifert | 1985: Simon | 1986: Soyinka | 1987: Brodsky | 1988: Mahfouz | 1989: Cela | 1990: Paz | 1991: Gordimer | 1992: Walcott | 1993: Morrison | 1994: Oe | 1995: Heaney | 1996: Szymborska | 1997: Fo | 1998: Saramago | 1999: Grass | 2000: Gao |