Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Unfortunately I don't speak and write Russian. So I have to present myselfe in English. I don't speak and write English very good, but better than Russian:
[править] Self-portrait
My name is Jean-Pol Martin. I was born in 1943 in Paris and went to Germany in 1968. There I studied German and French in order to become a teacher at a German grammar school. Since 1980 I have been a professor for foreign language teaching didactics at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Bavarian). In 1980 I had the idea to let the students teach their peers in French. That experience was successful, so I could establish the "Lernen durch Lehren" (LdL) (=Учение через обучение) method in Germany. Of course, the method is not new (Seneca said: "in teaching we are learning"), but I'm the first scholar who has been doing research on that topic for 25 years, who built a wide network with several thousand teachers and promoted that method in a big country like Germany. (Almost ;-)) every teacher in Germany has to be trained in that method during his pedagogics studies. Currently I'm working on the idea of collectively constructing knowledge, like the Wikipedia does.
[править] My current project
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