Team Albirex Niigata
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Team Albirex Niigata (チームアルビレックス新潟 timu Arubirekkusu Niigata?) is a team by a top athlete of skiing snowboard established in September, 2004. It participates about the Olympics and the FIS World Cup, and it aims at a high-ranking winning a prize in the national constitution etc.The camp by the belonging top athlete has been held for a base expansion and the regional sports promotion as the team.
In the resort of sightseeing in a red warehouse ski area, Temualbireccssnorbordoscul is opened.
[edit] Athlete
- Kentaro Minagawa
- Daisuke Yoshioka
- Noriyo Hiroi
- Jyunko Yamakawa
Snow Board
- Takahito Taniguti
- Takahide Seki
- Takayuki Nisizawa
- Shinitiro Yokoyama
- Itaru Fujinuma
- Yoshiaki Kamio
- Syuji Ito
- Yasuhiro ota
- Daisuke Hosono
- Nobuo otake
- Miyuki Namai
- Satoru Anpo
[edit] See also
- Albirex Niigata
- Albirex Niigata FC (Singapore)
- Niigata Albirex BB
- Albirex Cheerleaders
- Niigata Albirex Running Club
- Niigata Albirex Baseball Club
[edit] Link
- (Japanese)Niigata Albirex BB Official Website