The Tomorrow Boys
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The Tomorrow Boys is an episode of the TV series, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
[edit] Plot
Jimmy calls Carl and Sheen to the lab to show them his two newest inventions. The first one is a chemical called Megalomanium; when sprayed on someone, it will turn that person into a power-crazed maniac. Jimmy demonstrates by spraying it on a daisy. Instantly, the daisy starts throwing things until Jimmy can stop it. The second invention is the Chronoarch, which lets you see and visit the future. Jimmy turns it on, and it shows that each of them has a very successful future. Jimmy says that they will visit the future after he tidies up a bit. He also asks Carl if he could wrap his birthday present for Libby, which is some lavander perfume. Carl is about to take the perfume off the shelf when the daisy begins throwing things again. The shelf breaks, and the perfume and megalomanium are mixed up. Carl then accidentally grabs the megalomanium.
Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen drop their presents off with Cindy at Libby's house and head back to the lab. Jimmy turns on the chronoarch, and he, Carl, Sheen, and Goddard step in. They do not find the bright future they had seen though. Instead, they see a six-foot tall robot staring at them. He inquires why they aren't dancing and they don't reply. He then turns on a hologram of some sort and asks a woman what their punishment should be and she replies 100 years of hard labor; the woman was Libby. Realizing what had happened, Jimmy grabs Carl and Sheen, and flies away on Goddard. The only way to reverse the effect is to get back to the past and destroy the megalomanium; the only way to go back is to visit the Jimmy of the future.
They find Jimmy living in his clubhouse (acting a lot like Skeet had in the past). They tell old Jimmy their problem, and young Jimmy says he needs to see the lab. Old Jimmy is about to reply, when a loud "Nerdtron!" is heard. Cindy of the future comes through a trapdoor in the floor and asks future Jimmy why her mother's feet haven't been washed. Future Jimmy tells her that she should stop calling him "Nerdtron" since they're married. Young Jimmy then yells for a consecutive four minutes straight (which was during the 4 min. commercial break), and takes a little while to calm down from the shock. He at least needs to know where the chronoarch is. Old Jimmy says he might have lent it to Sheen. On cue, Sheen of the future, a professional dumpster diver, walks in the door with a box of 1 week old cabbage. Sheen says that he lent the chronoarch to Carl, who was hiding behind the clubhouse wall (due to the fact he was an outlaw). Like the lab the chronoarch had been gutted and filled with old cabbage. Jimmy is disgusted and asks the Jimmy of the future why he had given up on science. Old Jimmy, realizing what science used to mean to him, comes up with a plan. Future Carl and Sheen guard the door from the copbot, while young Carl and Sheen go downstairs to wash Cindy's mother's feet. Using parts from a foot massager, and from Goddard of the future, the Jimmys manage to fix the chronoarch. Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen go through the arch, but just as they do, the copbot enters the arch and follows them to the past.
Back at Libby's party, the band Graystar is playing and everybody is having a good time. Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen run into Libby's house and start crushing open the presents looking for the megalomanium. Cindy says she had alphabetized the presents, but Jimmy can't find his. Meanwhile, the copbot is distracted by the music. While they are crushing Libby's presents, Cindy happens to walk in, and Jimmy asks her where his present is. She said she put it under Z for Zero, which happens to be in the closet. Jimmy runs over to the closet and tries to open it, but the door is stuck. By now the song is over, and the copbot had finally cornered Jimmy in front of the closet. He shoots a hole in the door which shows the megalomanium. The copbot shoots the gift, and he disappears. Libby though is furious and kicks the three of them out of her house.
Sheen spends eight hours writing an apology letter to Libby. As it turned out, Libby had been listening to Sheen read the letter out loud and was moved that Sheen had risked his life so she could stay who she was. She asks him if he wants to go to The Candy Bar, after they make a quick stop at her house. They make it to her house and says, "Meet me at The Candy Bar Sheen...AFTER YOU CLEAN UP MY HOUSE!". She then furiously storms out of the house and blows Sheen a kiss, leaving Jimmy, Sheen and Carl cleaning up the house.
[edit] Trivia
- This episode takes place before Holly Jolly Jimmy the fact is Libby birthday is in December 10.
- When Graystar plays at Libby's birthday party, there are four band members. In "Attack of the Twonkies", there five Graystar band members. One the guitar players was probably fired or he quit.
- When Jimmy finds out that his future self is married to Cindy's, he starts screaming "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!", which was right before the commercial break. After the commercial break, Carl says "Wow Jimmy. You screamed for four minutes." This suggests that Jimmy screamed during the four-minute commercial break.
- The Cop-bot bears resembelence to Fourarms in Ben 10.