Mythology is a tradition of a _people_, which may or may not be influenced by religious beliefs. Doctrine, that is, the teachings of the religion, is something else. All the articles you've added are on figures of Zoroastrian doctrine. [*]
The articles you've added would, if anywhere, fall into a category called 'Zoroastrian angelology'.
'Zoroastrian mythology', if such a thing exists, would be something else (perhaps the mythologies pertaining to Zoroaster?).
[*] Most of these figures are also of Persian mythology which pre-dates, post-dates and was contemporary to the development of Zoroastrian doctrine. Many of the characters of the texts of the Avesta (as these all are) were influenced by characters from early Persian mythology. The figures of the Avesta in turn, flow back into later Persian mythology. For more information readYazata.
I see you're making a similar mistake with Zoroastrian texts (your edit of Qissa-i Sanjan). Zoroastrian texts are texts of the religion, not texts written by Zoroastrians. -- Fullstop 08:07, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
Ok, its apparent that you're trying to help, but at the moment the number of Zoroastrianism-related articles is not that great that Zoroastrianism needs to be broken down into categories. In fact, I see it as counter-productive, since the articles themselves need help, not their organization.
When/If sub-categorization is necessary, it would perhaps be a good idea to first define what categories there should be, and what exactly they mean, instead of simply making up categories based on some arbitrary criterion (personal interpretation or whatever). I don't mean to be rude, but expertise in one area does not automatically imply transferability of that knowledge to another, and it may even be counter-productive, as the insistance on a 'Zoroastrian mythology' category shows. -- Fullstop 08:17, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
I was just trying to keep the subject organized, If it's not needed, then I shall discontinue.
Organization is fine, but arbitrary categorization is not.
If you have a justification for why you put articles where you put them, please state it.
I also suggest you undo your categorization for articles in which an editor of that article has already once vetoed your choice of category, which you have then overridden. (an editor can presumably decide for him/herself if your justification is valid when/if you provide it)