塞姆·朗赫恩·克列門斯 Samuel Clemens |
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筆名 | 马克·吐温(Mark Twain) |
1835年11月30日 |
密蘇里州佛羅里達 | |
逝世日期 | 1910年4月21日 |
康乃狄克州 | |
作家職業 | 幽默作家、小說家、文學家 |
國籍 | 美國 |
寫作類別 | 歷史小說、非文學、諷刺小說 |
代表作品 | 頑童流浪記、湯姆歷險記 |
馬克·吐温(Mark Twain;原名塞姆·朗赫恩·克列門斯,Samuel Langhorne Clemens;1835年11月30日—1910年4月21日)是美國的幽默大師、小說家、作家,同時也是演說家。雖然財務上困難重重,這絲毫不影響他的幽默、機智與響亮的名氣,他在尖峰時光甚至足以登上美國最知名人物的寶座。他有許多名人作為朋友,像是威廉·迪安·豪威爾斯、布克·華盛頓、尼古拉·特斯拉、海倫·凱勒、亨利·羅傑等等。海倫·凱勒曾說過:「我喜歡馬克吐溫——誰會不喜歡他呢?就連上帝也鍾愛他,將所有的智慧都賦予他,還唯恐他成為一個悲觀主義者,又在他的心靈中描繪出一道愛與信仰的彩虹。」威廉·福克納稱馬克·吐温為「第一位真正的美國作家,我們都是繼承他而來」。 馬克·吐温於1910年去世,在紐約州艾瑪拉下葬。
目录 |
[编辑] 筆名
[编辑] 生平
[编辑] 童年
馬克·吐溫於1835年11月30日出生在美国密苏里州佛羅里達的鄉村的貧窮律師家庭。他是家中7個小孩的第6個小孩。他只有兩個兄弟姊妹可以在童年過後倖存下來,他的那兩個兄弟姊妹就是哥哥奧利安·克列門斯(Orion Clemens)(1825年7月17日 - 1897年12月11日)和姊姊帕梅拉(Pamela)(1827年9月19日 - 1904年8月31日)。他的母親瑪格麗特(Margaret)在他四歲時死去,而他的哥哥班傑明(Benjamin)(1832年6月8日 - 1842年5月12日)在三年後亦死去了。他的另一個哥哥Pleasant(1828年 - 1829年)只活到吐溫出生前三個月。繼這班年齡較马克·吐温大的兄弟姊妹之後,吐温又有一個弟弟--亨利·克列門斯(Henry Clemens)(1838年7月13日 - 1858年6月21日)。[1]在吐溫4歲時,他們一家遷往密苏里州漢尼拔(Hannibal)[2]的一個密西西比河的港市,而這就成為了他後來的著作《湯姆·索亞歷險記》和《頑童流浪記》中聖彼得堡的城市的靈感。[3] 那時,密苏里州是聯邦的奴隸州,而年輕的吐溫開始了解奴隸制,這成為了往後在他的歷險小說中的主題。
马克·吐温是色盲的,而這激起了他在社交圈子的詼諧玩笑。1847年3月,當吐溫11歲時,他的父親死於肺炎。接著的那一年,他成為一名印刷學徒。1851年,他成為一名排字工人,也有投稿,並開始給他哥哥奧利安創辦的《漢尼拔雜誌》(Hannibal Journal)寫草稿。在他18歲時,他離開漢尼拔並在紐約市、費城、聖路易和辛辛那提市都當過印刷工人。22歲時,吐溫回到密苏里州。在下密西西比河到紐奧良的旅途中,輪船的領航員「碧士比」要吐溫終身成為輪船領航員,而這職業是當時全美國薪資第三高的職業,每月250美元(等於現在的155,000美元)。
[编辑] 旅行與家庭
密蘇里州是一個奴隸州,並被大部分人視為是屬於南部的一部分,但密蘇里州並沒有加入聯邦。當戰爭開始時,吐溫和他的朋友加入了一隊聯邦的民兵部隊(這在一部1885年的短故事「The Private History of a Campaign That Failed」中有相關描述),並加入了一場戰爭,在那場戰爭中有一個人被殺。吐溫發現他根本不能忍受自己殺任何人,因此他離開了。他的朋友加入了南軍;吐溫則到他的哥哥奧利安那裡去,那時奧利安被任命成為內華達的州長的祕書並管理西部。
吐溫與他哥哥乘公共馬車花了2星期多橫越了大平原區和洛磯山脈。他們到了鹽湖城摩門教的社會。這些經驗成為了《艱苦歲月》(Roughing It)一書中的主要部分,並給《卡城名蛙》提供了資料。吐溫的旅程結束在內華達維吉尼亞城的銀礦那裡。在那裡,他成為了一名礦工。
在放棄礦工一職後,吐溫在維吉尼亞城的一家報紙《Territorial Enterprise》工作。
在他往歐洲和中東的旅程期間,他寫了1869年收集成的著名旅行信件系列《傻子旅行》(The Innocents Abroad)。他亦見了查爾斯·蘭登(Charles Langdon)並看到朗頓姊姊歐麗維亞(Olivia Langdon)的相片。吐溫對她立即一見鍾情。他們在1868年見面,並在一年後訂婚,1870年於紐約市艾瑪拉結婚。歐麗維亞生了兒子蘭登,但蘭登在19個月時死於白喉。
1871年,吐溫一家遷往康乃迪克州哈特福特。在那裡歐麗維亞生了3個女兒:蘇西(Susy)、克拉拉(Clara)和讓(Jean Clemens)。吐溫亦成為了作家威廉·迪安·豪威爾斯(William Dean Howells)的好朋友。
吐溫之後再度到歐洲旅遊,這在1880年一部書《A Tramp Abroad》有作描述。1900年他回到美國,給他的舊公司償清欠款。吐溫的婚姻維持了34年,直到歐麗維亞於1904年去世。
[编辑] 作家生涯
马克·吐温的第一部巨著《卡城名蛙》(The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County),在1865年11月18日於《紐約週六報刊》(New York Saturday Press)首次出版。這作品在那裡出版的唯一原因是因為它完成得太遲,趕不及納入阿特姆斯·沃德收集美國西部的有特色的著作的書中。
After this small burst of popularity, Twain was commissioned by the Sacramento Union to write letters about his travel experiences for publication in the newspaper, his first of which was to accompany the steamer Ajax in its maiden voyage to Hawaii, referred to at the time as the Sandwich Islands. These humorous letters proved the genesis to his work with the San Francisco Alta California newspaper, which designated him a traveling correspondent for a trip from San Francisco to New York City via the Panama isthmus. All the while Twain was writing letters meant for publishing back and forth, chronicling his experiences with his burlesque humor. On June 8, 1867, Twain set sail on the pleasure cruiser Quaker City for five months. This trip resulted in The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrims' Progress .
“ | This book is a record of a pleasure trip. If it were a record of a solemn scientific expedition it would have about it the gravity, that profundity, and that impressive incomprehensibility which are so proper to works of that kind, and withal so attractive. Yet not withstanding it is only a record of a picnic, it has a purpose, which is, to suggest to the reader how he would be likely to see Europe and the East if he looked at them with his own eyes instead of the eyes of those who traveled in those countries before him. I make small pretense of showing anyone how he ought to look at objects of interest beyond the sea – other books do that, and therefore, even if I were competent to do it, there is no need. | ” |
1872年,吐溫出版了第二部旅行文學著作《艱苦歲月》作為《傻子旅行》的續集。《艱苦歲月》的內容是吐溫到內華達的旅程及在美國西部的後期生活的半自傳式描述。The book lampoons American and Western society in the same way that Innocents critiqued the various countries of Europe and the Middle East. Twain's next work would kept Roughing It's focus on American society but focused more on the events of the day. Entitled The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, it was not a travel piece, as his previous two books had been, and it was his first attempt at writing a novel. The book is also notable because it is Twain's only collaboration; it was written with his neighbor Charles Dudley Warner.
Clemens' next two works drew on his experiences on the Mississippi River. Old Times on the Mississippi, a series of sketches published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1875, featured Twain’s disillusionment with Romanticism. Old Times eventually became the starting point for Life on the Mississippi. Clemens' next major publication was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer which drew on his youth in Hannibal. The character of Tom Sawyer was modeled on Samuel as a child. The book also introduced Huckleberry Finn as a supporting character.
The Prince and the Pauper, despite a storyline that is omnipresent in film and literature today, was not as well received. Pauper was Twain’s first attempt at fiction, and blame for its shortcomings are usually put on Twain having not been experienced enough in English society and the fact that it was produced after such a massive hit. In between the writing of Pauper, Twain had started Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (which he consistently had problems completing[來源請求]) and started and completed another travel book, A Tramp Abroad. A Tramp Abroad follows Twain as he travels through central and southern Europe.
Twain’s next major published work, Huckleberry Finn, solidified him as a great American writer after the production of what some call the elusive great American novel. Finn was an offshoot from Tom Sawyer and proved to have a more serious tone than its predecessor. The main premise behind Huckleberry Finn is the young boy’s belief in the right thing to do even though the majority of society believes that it was wrong. The book has become required reading in many schools throughout the United States because Huck ignores the rules and mores of the age to follow what he thinks is just (the story takes place in the 1850s where slavery is present). Four hundred manuscript pages of Huckleberry Finn were written in the summer of 1876, right after the publication of Tom Sawyer. Some accounts have Twain taking seven years off after his first burst of creativity, eventually finishing the book in 1883. Other accounts have Twain working on Finn in tandem with The Prince and the Pauper and other works in 1880 and other years. The last fifth of Finn is subject to much controversy. Some say that Twain experiences—as critic Leo Marx puts it—a "failure of nerve." Ernest Hemingway once said of Huckleberry Finn: “If you read it, you must stop where the Nigger Jim is stolen from the boys. That is the real end. The rest is just cheating.”
Near the end of Huckleberry Finn, Twain had written Life on the Mississippi, which is said to have heavily influenced the former book. The work recounts Twain’s memories and new experiences after a 22 year absence from the Mississippi. The book is of note because Twain introduces the real meaning of his pseudonym.
After his great work, Twain began turning to his business endeavors to keep them afloat and to stave off the increasing difficulties he had been having from his writing projects. Twain focused on the writing of President Ulysses S. Grant's Memoirs for his fledgling publishing company, finding time in between to write The Private History of a Campaign That Failed for The Century Magazine.
Twain next focused on A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, which featured him making his first big pronouncement of disappointment with politics. The tone become cynical to the point of almost being a rant against the established political system of the day (which would have been in King Arthur’s time), and eventually devolved into madness for the main character. The book was started in December 1885, then shelved a few months later until the summer of 1887, and eventually finished in the spring of 1889.
Some say that this work marked the beginning of the end for Twain as he fell into financial trouble and eschewed his humor vein. Twain had begun to furiously write articles and commentary with diminishing returns to pay the bills and keep his business intentions afloat, but it was not enough because he filed for bankruptcy in 1894. His next large scale work, The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (aka Those Extraordinary Twins), brought about Twain’s sense of irony, though it has been misconstrued. There were parallels between this work and Twain’s financial failings, notably his desire to escape his current constraints and become a different person.
Twain’s next venture was straight fiction called Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc and dedicated it to his wife. Twain had long said that this was the work he was most proud of despite the criticism he received for it. The book had been a dream of Twain’s for a very long time, and he eventually thought it to be the work to save his publishing company. His financial adviser, Henry Huttleston Rogers, squashed that idea and got Twain out of that business all together, but the book was published nonetheless.
Twain’s wife died in 1904, and after the appropriate time Twain was allowed to publish some works that his wife, a de facto editor and censor throughout his life, had looked down upon. Of these works, The Mysterious Stranger, which pits the presence of Satan, aka “No. 44,” in various situations where the moral sense of human kind. This particular work was not published in Twain’s life, so there were three versions found in his manuscripts made between 1897 and 1905: the Hannibal version, the Eseldorf version, and the Print Shop version. Confusion between the versions led to an extensive publication of a jumbled version, and only recently have the original versions as Twain wrote them become available.
Twain’s last work was his autobiography, which he dictated and thought would be most entertaining if he went off on whims and tangents in non-sequential order. Some archivists and compilers had a problem with this and rearranged the biography into a more conventional form, thereby eliminating some of Twain’s humor and the flow of the book.
[编辑] Financial matters
Clemens made a substantial amount of money through his writing, but he squandered much of it in bad investments, mostly in new inventions. These included a bed clamp for infants, a new type of steam engine, the kaolatype (or collotype: a machine designed to engrave printing plates), and the Paige typesetting machine. Finally, there was his publishing house, which enjoyed initial success selling the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant but went bust soon after.
Clemens' writings and lectures combined with the help of a new friend enabled him to recover financially.[5] In 1893, he began a 15-year-long friendship with financier Henry Huttleston Rogers, a principal of Standard Oil. Rogers first made Clemens file for bankruptcy. Then Rogers had Clemens transfer copyrights to his written works to his wife, Olivia, to prevent creditors from gaining possession of them. Finally Rogers took absolute charge of Twain's money until all the creditors were paid. Twain then embarked on an around-the-world lecture tour to pay off his creditors in full, despite the fact that he was no longer under any legal obligation to do so.[6]
[编辑] 晚年友誼:亨利·羅傑
While Twain openly credited Henry Rogers with saving him from financial ruin, their close friendship in their later years was mutually beneficial. As he lost 3 out of 4 of his children, and his beloved wife, Olivia Langdon, before his death in 1910, the Rogers family increasingly became Twain's own surrogate family. He became a frequent guest at the Rogers' townhouse in New York City, their 48-room summer home in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, and aboard the Rogers steam yacht, the Kanawha.
Twain was an admirer of the remarkable deaf and blind girl, Helen Keller. He first met her and Anne Sullivan at a party in the home of Laurence Hutton in New York City in the winter of 1894. Twain introduced them to Rogers, who with his wife, paid for a college education for Keller at Radcliffe College. It was Twain who is credited with labeling Sullivan, Helen's teacher, a "miracle worker." His choice of words later became inspiration for the title of William Gibson's play and film adaptation, The Miracle Worker.
Twain also introduced Rogers to journalist Ida M. Tarbell, who had grown up in the western Pennsylvania oil regions where Rogers had begun his career during the American Civil War. Beginning in 1902, she conducted detailed interviews with the Standard Oil magnate. Rogers, wily and normally-guarded in matters related to business and finance, may have been under the impression her work was to be complimentary. He was apparently uncustomarily forthcoming. However, Tarbell's interviews with Rogers formed the basis her negative exposé of the nefarious business practices of industrialist John D. Rockefeller and the massive Standard Oil organization. Her work, which became known at the time as muckraking (and is now known as investigative journalism), first ran as a series of articles, presented in installments in McClure's Magazine, which were later published together as a book, The History of the Standard Oil Company in 1904. Tarbell's exposé fueled negative public sentiment against the company and was a contributing factor in the U.S. government's antitrust legal actions against the Standard Oil Trust which eventually led to the breakup of the petroleum conglomerate in 1911.
While the two famous old men were widely regarded as drinking and poker buddies, they also exchanged letters when apart, and this was often since each traveled a great deal. Unlike Rogers' personal files, which have never become public, these interesting and insightful letters back and forth were published verbatim in an entire book, Mark Twain's Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers, 1893-1909. In the written exchanges between the two men, there are pleasant examples of Rogers' sense of fun as well as Twain's well-known sense of humor. This provides a rare insight into private side of "Hell Hound Rogers", who had a well-known public reputation as a fearsome and ruthless robber baron.
On cruises aboard the Kanawha, they were joined at frequent intervals by Booker T. Washington, the famed former slave who had become a leading educator. From all outward appearances, Washington was apparently just another friend. However, known but to a very few, in fact, through him, "Hell Hound Rogers" was a secret philanthropist, aiding in educational efforts for African-Americans by deploying a new concept which came to be known as anonymous donor matching funds to contribute very large amounts of money in support of several teacher's colleges (now Hampton University and Tuskegee University) and literally dozens of small schools in the South over the same 15 year period of the Twain-Rogers friendship. (Dr. Washington only revealed this situation in June 1909 just weeks after Rogers' death as he made a pre-planned tour along the Virginian Railway, traveling in Rogers' private rail car "Dixie").
In April 1907, Twain and Rogers cruised together to Virginia aboard the Kanawha to the opening of the Jamestown Exposition, held at a site at Sewell's Point in a rural section of Norfolk County, Virginia. Twain's public popularity was such that large numbers of citizens paid to ride touring boats out to where the Kanawha was anchored in Hampton Roads in hopes of getting a glimpse of him. As the gathering of boats around the yacht became a safety hazard, he finally obliged by coming on deck and waving to the crowds. Because of poor weather conditions, the steam yacht was delayed for several days from leaving the Hampton Roads area and venturing into the Atlantic Ocean. Rogers and some of the others in his party (without Twain) returned to New York by rail. Because of his dislike of traveling by rail, Twain elected to return aboard the Kanawha, despite the delay. However, the news media reporters lost track of Twain's whereabouts; when he failed to return to New York City as scheduled, the New York Times speculated that he might have been "lost at sea."
Upon arriving safely in New York and learning of this, the humorist wrote a satirical article about the episode, including, in part,
- "...I will make an exhaustive investigation of this report that I have been lost at sea. If there is any foundation for the report, I will at once apprise the anxious public."[2]
This bore similarities to an earlier event in 1897 when he made his famous (and usually misquoted) remark "The report of my death is an exaggeration" in an article, after a reporter was sent to investigate whether he had died (in fact it was his cousin who was seriously ill).
Later that year, Twain and Rogers' son, Henry Jr. (Harry), returned to the Jamestown Exposition aboard the Kanawha. The humorist helped host Robert Fulton Day on September 23, 1907, celebrating the centennial of Fulton's invention of the steamboat. Twain was filling in for ailing former U.S. President Grover Cleveland and introduced Rear Admiral Purnell Harrington. According to a report published in Norfolk's Virginian-Pilot newspaper, Twain was met with a full five minutes of cheering and standing ovation. Members of the audience waved their hats and umbrellas. Deeply touched, Twain said, "When you appeal to my head, I don't feel it; but when you appeal to my heart, I do feel it."
Two years later, the two old friends again returned to Norfolk, Virginia. On April 3, 1909, the business community of Norfolk held a lavish banquet to honor Henry Rogers and his newly completed Virginian Railway. Twain was the keynote speaker in one of his last public appearances. His speech was widely quoted in newspapers across the United States. On the same trip, while Rogers and associates went to inspect his new coal pier near the mouth of the Elizabeth River at Sewell's Point, Twain used the time to visit children in several local schools. However, Twain declined to accompany Rogers and the rest of his party the next day as they set out for a 450 mile (725 km) tour across southern Virginia and West Virginia along the route of the newly-completed bituminous coal conveying railroad. Twain chose instead to to return to New York via steamboat. [3]
On the morning of May 20, 1909, Rogers awoke at his New York City townhouse and told his wife he was feeling extremely poorly. His physician was called immediately, but before he could arrive, within the hour, the 69-year old was dead of a stroke. That same morning, Twain was already aboard a New Haven Railroad passenger train en route from Connecticut to visit his friend and the family. Arriving at Grand Central Station, he was met by his daughter with the terrible news. Stricken with grief, he uncustomarily avoided news reporters who had gathered, saying only "This is terrible...I cannot talk about it." Two days later, he served as an honorary pallbearer at the Rogers funeral in New York City. However, he declined to join the funeral party on the train ride for the interment at Fairhaven. He said "I cannot bear to travel with my friend and not converse."
[编辑] Legacy
Clemens' birthplace is preserved in Florida, Missouri, and the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum in Hannibal, Missouri, is one of the most popular museums because it provided the setting for much of the author's work. The home of a childhood friend is preserved as the "Thatcher House" and is said to be the inspiration for his fictional character Becky Thatcher. Clemens was awarded an honorary doctorate from Oxford, and the robes he wore to that ceremony and on many other occasions afterwards (including one daughter's wedding) are on display in the museum. Visitors to Hannibal can also tour the Mark Twain Cave and ride a riverboat on the Mississippi River. In 1874, Clemens built a family home in Hartford, Connecticut, where he and his wife raised their three daughters. That home is preserved and open to visitors as the Mark Twain House. Clemens lived in many homes in the United States and abroad.
Twain's legacy lives on today as his namesakes continue to multiply. Several schools are named after Twain, including one in Houston (Twain Elementary School), which has a statue of Twain sitting on a bench. In 1998, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts created the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, awarded annually. The Mark Twain Award is an award given annually to a book for children in grades four through eight by the Missouri Association of School Librarians. Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, sponsors the Mark Twain Young Authors' Workshop each summer in collaboration with the Boyhood Home and Museum in Hannibal. The program[4] is open to young authors in grades 5-8. The museum sponsors the Mark Twain Creative Teaching Award. [5]
Actor Hal Holbrook created a one man show called "Mark Twain Tonight". In 1967, CBS broadcast a performance of "Mark Twain Tonight" for which Holbrook won an Emmy Award. Holbrook has been performing "Mark Twain Tonight" regularly for fifty years, include three runs on Broadway, 1966, 1977 and 2005, the first of which won him a Tony Award. Additionally, like countless influential individuals, Mark Twain was awarded the honor of having an asteroid named after him.
[编辑] Career overview
Twain began his career writing light, humorous verse but evolved into a grim, almost profane chronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies and murderous acts of mankind. At mid-career, with Huckleberry Finn, he combined rich humor, sturdy narrative and social criticism.
Twain was a master at rendering colloquial speech and helped to create and popularize a distinctive American literature built on American themes and language.
Twain was also fascinated with science and scientific inquiry. He developed a close and lasting friendship with Nikola Tesla, and the two spent much time together in Tesla's laboratory. Twain's book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court features a time traveler from the America of Twain's day, using his knowledge of science to introduce modern technology to Arthurian England. Twain also patented an improvement in adjustable and detachable straps for garments.
Twain was opposed to vivisection of any kind, not on a scientific basis but rather an ethical one. He stated that no sentient being should be made to suffer for another without consent.[7]
I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. ... The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.
From 1901 until his death in 1910, Twain was vice president of the American Anti-Imperialist League.[8] The league opposed the annexation of the Philippines by the United States. Twain wrote Incident in the Philippines, posthumously published in 1924, in response to the Moro Crater Massacre, in which six hundred Moros were killed. Many but not all of Mark Twain's neglected and previously uncollected writings on anti-imperialism appeared for the first time in book form in 1992.
From the time of its publication there have been occasional attempts to ban Huckleberry Finn from various libraries because Twain's use of local color is offensive to some people. Although Twain was against racism and imperialism far ahead of the public sentiment of his time, those who have only superficial familiarity with his work have sometimes condemned it as racist because it accurately depicts language in common use in the 19th-century United States. Expressions that were used casually and unselfconsciously then are often perceived today as racist; today, such racial epithets are far more visible and condemned. Twain himself would probably be amused by these attempts; in 1885, when a library in Concord, Massachusetts banned the book, he wrote to his publisher, "They have expelled Huck from their library as 'trash suitable only for the slums'; that will sell 25,000 copies for us for sure."
Many of Mark Twain's works have been suppressed at times for various reasons. When an anonymous slim volume was published in 1880 entitled 1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors., Twain was among those rumored to be the author. The issue was not settled until 1906, when Twain acknowledged his literary paternity of this scatological masterpiece.
At least Twain saw 1601 published during his lifetime. During the Philippine-American War, Twain wrote an anti-war article entitled The War Prayer. Through this internal struggle, Twain expresses his opinions of the absurdity of slavery and the importance of following one's personal conscience before the laws of society. It was submitted to Harper's Bazaar for publication, but on March 22, 1905, the magazine rejected the story as "not quite suited to a woman's magazine." Eight days later, Twain wrote to his friend Dan Beard, to whom he had read the story, "I don't think the prayer will be published in my time. None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth." Because he had an exclusive contract with Harper & Brothers, Mark Twain could not publish The War Prayer elsewhere; it remained unpublished until 1923.
In later years, Twain's family suppressed some of his work which was especially irreverent toward conventional religion, notably Letters from the Earth, which was not published until 1962. The anti-religious The Mysterious Stranger was published in 1916, although there is some scholarly debate as to whether Twain actually wrote the most familiar version of this story. Twain was critical of organized religion and certain elements of the Christian religion through most of the end of his life, though he never renounced Presbyterianism[9]
[编辑] 後人對他的評價
[编辑] 作品目录
- 《竞选州长》
- 《zh-cn:汤姆•索亚历险记;zh-tw:湯姆歷險記;》(1876年)
- 《乞丐王子》(1882年)
- 《頑童流浪記》(1884年)
- 《卡县名蛙》
- 《百万英镑》
- 《败壞了哈德莱堡的人》
- 《三万元遗产》
- 《案中案》
- 《苦行記》
- 《坏孩子的故事》
- 《火车上的嗜人事件》
- 《我最近辞职的事实经过》
- 《田纳西的新闻界》
- 《好孩子的故事》
- 《我怎样编辑农业报》
- 《大宗牛肉合同的事件始末》
- 《我给参议员当秘书的经历》
- 《康州美國佬奇遇記》(1889年)
- 《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》
- 《神秘的访问》
- 《一个真实的故事》
- 《法国人大决斗》
- 《稀奇的经验》
- 《加利福尼亚人的故事》
- 《他是否还在人间》
- 《和移风易俗者一起上路》
- 《狗的自述》
- 《镀金时代》
- 《人的五大恩賜》
- 《傻子旅行》
[编辑] 参见
[编辑] 資料來源
- ↑ Mark Twain's Family Tree - 於2007-01-01zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Mark Twain, American Author and Humorist - 於2006-10-25zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Lindborg·Henry J. - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 於2006-11-11zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ The Mark Twain House - 於2006-11-17zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Lauber, John. The Inventions of Mark Twain: a Biography. New York: Hill and Wang, 1990.
- ↑ Cox, James M. Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor. Princeton University Press, 1966.
- ↑ Mark Twain Quotations - Vivisection - 於2006-10-24zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Mark Twain's Weapons of Satire: Anti-Imperialist Writings on the Philippine-American War. (1992, Jim Zwick, ed.) ISBN 0-8156-0268-5
- ↑ The Religious Affiliation Mark Twain celebrated American author
[编辑] 外部連結
[编辑] 作品
- Mark Twain的作品 - 古腾堡计划. More than 60 texts are freely available.
- Mark Twain Quotes, Newspaper Collections and Related Resources
- Twain on The Awful German Language
- Audio book recording with accompanying text of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
- Many Twain stories are read in Mister Ron's Basement (Number 431 -- Celebrated Jumping Frog, Numbers 195-199, Number 146 -- Million Pound Banknote, Nos. 67-71, and Number 6 -- The War Prayer) Podcast
- Mark Twain on Scientific Research / Pains of Lowly Life (1900)
- Mark Twain Quotes
- Quotes mistakenly attributed to Mark Twain
[编辑] 研究學習
- The Mark Twain Papers and Project of the Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley. Home to the largest archive of Mark Twain's papers and the editors of a critical edition of all of Mark Twain's writings.
- Mark Twain Room (Houses original manuscript of Huckleberry Finn)
- The University of California Press Publishers of the critical edition of Mark Twain's writings.
- Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies
- Ever the Twain Shall Meet, a guide to Mark Twain on the Web
- The Fountain Pens used by Mark Twain
- "The Mark Twain they didn’t teach us about in school", by Helen Scott, from International Socialist Review 10, Winter 2000, pp.61-65.
- The Mark Twain Museum's education section has lesson plans for teachers as well as homework help for students
- University students discuss Mark Twain's essay Luck
[编辑] 生平
- Full text of My Platonic Sweetheart , a dream journal by Mark Twain
- Full text of the biography Mark Twain by Archibald Henderson
- The Mark Twain House in Hartford, CT
- The Mark Twain Boyhood Home in Hannibal, MO
- The Hannibal Courier Post A Look at the Life and Works of Mark Twain
- Mark Twain: Known To Everyone—Liked By All, a Ken Burns film shown on PBS.
- Literary Pilgrimages—Mark Twain sites
[编辑] 其他
- "Origins of the name Mark Twain", from Encyclopaedia Britannica latest edition, full article.
[编辑] 參考資料
- Ken Burns, Dayton Duncan, and Geoffrey C. Ward, Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001 (ISBN 0-3754-0561-5)
- Gregg Camfield. The Oxford Companion to Mark Twain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002 (ISBN 0-1951-0710-1)
- James M. Cox. Mark Twain: The Fate of Humor. Princeton University Press, 1966 (ISBN 0-8262-1428-2)
- Everett Emerson. Mark Twain: A Literary Life. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000 (ISBN 0-8122-3516-9)
- Shelley Fisher Fishkin, ed. A Historical Guide to Mark Twain. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002 (ISBN 0-1951-3293-9)
- Jason Gary Horn. Mark Twain: A Descriptive Guide to Biographical Sources. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1999 (ISBN 0-8108-3630-0)
- William Dean Howells. My Mark Twain. Mineloa, New York: Dover Publications, 1997 (ISBN 0-486-29640-7)
- Fred Kaplan. The Singular Mark Twain: A Biography. New York: Doubleday, 2003 (ISBN 0-3854-7715-5)
- Justin Kaplan. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain: A Biography. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966 (ISBN 0-6717-4807-6)
- J. R. LeMaster and James D. Wilson, eds. The Mark Twain Encyclopedia. New York: Garland, 1993 (ISBN 0-8240-7212-X)
- Patrick K. Ober . Mark Twain and Medicine: "Any Mummery Will Cure". Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2003 (ISBN 0-8262-1502-5)
- Albert Bigelow Paine. Mark Twain, A Biography: The Personal and Literary Life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. New York: Harper & Bros., 1912. (ISBN 1-8470-2983-3)
- Ron Powers. Dangerous Water: A Biography of the Boy Who Became Mark Twain. New York: Da Capo Press, 1999. (ISBN 0-3068-1086-7)
- Ron Powers. Mark Twain: A Life. New York: Random House, 2005. (0-7432-4899-6)
- R. Kent Rasmussen. Critical Companion to Mark Twain: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work. New York: Facts On File, 2007. (Revised edition of Mark Twain A to Z) (ISBN 0-8160-6225-0)
- R. Kent Rasmussen, ed. The Quotable Mark Twain: His Essential Aphorisms, Witticisms and Concise Opinions. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1997 (ISBN 0-8092-2987-0)
页面分类: 正在编辑的条目 | 1835年出生 | 1910年逝世 | 美国作家 | 小说家 | 美国艺术暨文学学会成员 | 美國歷史 (1865年-1918年)