
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-us-ca Dude, this person is totally a native California English speaker.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
nl-0 Deze gebruiker begrijpt geen Nederlands (of kan het slechts met veel moeite begrijpen).
This user is a member of the Episcopal Church.
This user is of Dutch ancestry.
This user supports the NETHERLANDS
BA This user has a Bachelor of Arts degree.
dem This user supports the U.S. Democratic Party.

Eagle Scout Knot

This user is an Eagle Scout.
OA Vigil Arrow Device
This user is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow.
This user is epileptic.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Mac This user is contributing using a Macintosh computer.
trek This user is a Trekkie or Trekker.
off This user would choose their employees over a one night stand.
her? This user is a fan of Arrested Development.
100 This user has over 100 edits on the English Wikipedia.

Phil179 is the user name of Phillip Martin George Berghuis. Phillip was born on Feb. 26 1982 in Orange, California. He went to UC Davis where he majored in Religious Studies, and is now studying for his RN.

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