Phoebe Knapp

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Phoebe Knapp (March 9, 1839July 10, 1908) was a composer of music for hymns.

Knapp was born in New York, New York. Her parents were Walter C. Palmer and Phoebe Worrall Palmer. She married Joseph Fairfield Knapp, one of the founders and the second president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

She and her husband were members of the St. John's Methodist Church in New York City. The hymn writer Fanny Crosby was also a member of that church and a friend of Palmer's.

Kanpp wrote melodies for over 500 hymns. Her most famous melody is the one used for “Blessed Assurance,” the words of which were written by Fanny Crosby. The tune is entitled “Assurance.” Another hymn by Fanny Crosby for which Knapp wrote the music is ""Nearer the Cross." Other hymn tunes by Knapp include the tune for "Jesus Christ is Passing By" by J. Denham Smith, which is called "Albertson" and the one for "My Spirit Soul and Body" by Mary D. James, which is called "Consecration."

Knapp died in Poland, Maine.

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