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Photohydrogen is hydrogen produced with the help of artificial or natural light (Photolysis). This is how the leaf of a tree splits water molecules into hydrogen (to make carbohydrates) and oxygen (released into the air for us to breathe) [1]. Photohydrogen may also be produced by the photodissociation of water by ultraviolet light. Photohydrogen is sometimes discussed in the context of obtaining renewable energy from sunlight, by using microscopic organisms such as bacteria or algae.[2][3]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ NOVA scienceNOW - A 14 minute video of the NOVA broadcast about hydrogen fuel cell cars that aired on PBS, July 26, 2005. Hosted by Robert Krulwich with guests, Ray and Tom Magliozzi, the Car Talk brothers.
  2. ^ Gartner, John (2002-08-19). Algae: Power Plant of the Future? 1. Wired. Retrieved on 2006-09-17.
  3. ^ Mechanic, Michael (April 2002). It Came From the Swamp 1. Wired. Retrieved on 2006-09-17.

[edit] External links

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