نقاش:الكنيسة البريطانية الأرثوذكسية

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

I don't have arabic support on my computer because I live in the United Kingdom all my edits have been done using copy and paste and this takes a very long time

I hope the page is not going to be deletd as it has a lot of information noe

Many thanks--Ghaly 20:48, 30 مارس 2007 (UTC)

  • مع أني أقدر جهودك إلا أني استرجعت كل مساهماتك لأنك قلت أنك نقلتها ولم تفصح عن الموقع، وهذا ربما سيغير الحذف إلى خرق محتمل. يجب التأكد من سماح الموقع للنقل. وشكرا الأزدي 08:04, 31 مارس 2007 (UTC).

When I say copy and paste you have to get the meanning why is it taking too much time if it was just from another websit

my information are from the church websit translated through google Egypt this is full of mistakes so I try to copy letter by letter and repaste them in the correct place by a very slow process

You put the delet tag and did not notice that the source is mentioned down as the church website and if you make the search on google you will not find these information written this way anywhere else

Please try this service from googlwe egypt and you will see it is a very good service which allow you a lot of information in arabic but you have to correct the grammer

I presume correction of grammer for you is easy as you have arabic script on your computer --Ghaly 09:27, 31 مارس 2007 (UTC)

  • أولا أنا من المخربين لأن البناء هنا صعب! ثانيا الرجاء عدم إزالة قالب الحذف، وثالثا أرجو ألا تكون دمية جورب شرعية! وشكرا الأزدي 09:35, 31 مارس 2007 (UTC)

I removed delete because the article has changed a lot Alot of the other information is mentioned on other parts of wikipedia arabic I edit a lot on wikipedia english and just started a few weeks ago on arabic wikipedia the article has a lot of facts in iit

It is really har to edit the way I am doing Please try to help with the article if you can find any other information you can add

أزلت قالب الحذف. شكرا على مساعدتك. الأزدي 09:50, 31 مارس 2007 (UTC)

عزيزي الأزدي أشكرك على مساعداتك لى فى صفحة الكنيسة البريطانية الأرثوذكسية --Ghaly 10:47, 31 مارس 2007 (UTC)