عصر جديد
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
مصطلح "عصر جديد" New Age يصف مجموعة واسعة من الحركات التي ظهرت في أواخر القرن العشرين ضمن إطار الثقافة الغربية ، يتميز هذا المنحى الجديد من الحركات بنوع من المقاربة الفردية للقضايا الروحية . يمكننا القول أن حركات العهد الجديد بمجموعها تشكل نوعا ما ما يشبه الدين الجديد الناشيء ، لكن مجموع الحركات ما زالت بعيدة عن بعضها و مفككة فليس هناك من ترابط بين مرشدي الروحانية الجدد أو اتباع الروحانية الجدد .
الكثير من الباحثين يعزو ظهور هذه الحركات إلى نوع من اليأس و الإحباط تجاه النجاحات المادية التي حققتها الحضارة الغربية خصوصا في تأمين السعادة للإنسان . و نتيجة هذا الانتشار لهذه الحركات نستطيع أن نسجل ظهور سوق كاملة تعتمد على بيع المنتجات و الكتب و الخدمات المخصصة للأشخاص المهتمين بهذا النوع من الحركات شبه-الدينية الروحانية .
فهرس |
[تحرير] وصلات خارجية
[تحرير] معتقدات العصر الجديد
[تحرير] حركات و منظمات
- Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism: A pictorial and written archive of mythological, ritualistic, and symbolic images from all over the world and from all epochs of human history.
- The Celestine Prophecy James Redfield's books on a New Age theme. see Celestine Prophecy.
- A Course in Miracles self-study book see A Course in Miracles
- Findhorn Roots, a history see Findhorn Foundation
- The Michael Teachings popularized in the best-selling book, "Messages from Michael" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- Rosicrucian Age of Aquarius from the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
- The Spirit's Book by Allan Kardec
- New World Alliance The Radical Middle
- Attracting Unlimited Abundance and Happiness Through Belief
[تحرير] شخصيات قيادية
- Anthony Robbins' Official website - American life coach, motivational speaker and bestselling writer - Anthony Robbins .
- Carlos Castaneda official website- American author of books that claimed to describe his training in traditional Native American shamanism - Carlos Castaneda
- Enya official website - Irish singer who has won Grammys for "Best New Age Album", although she does not personally classify her music as such. - Enya
- Leonard Orr- Rebirthing - American spiritual leader best known for developing rebirthing-breathwork - Leonard Orr
- Marianne Williamson official website - One of the most outspoken and well-known students of A Course In Miracles Marianne Williamson
- Medwyn Goodall official website - Composer and producer of new age music - Medwyn Goodall
- Mark Satin Author of 'New Age Politics' - Mark Satin
- Deepak Chopra's official website - A medical doctor and popular contemporary writer on spirituality, synchronicity, integrative medicine and Ayurveda - Deepak Chopra
- Michael Sharp's official website - Author of spiritual/new age books - Michael Sharp
- Shared Wisdom Website of Hank Wesselman, author of narratives of his own shamanic journeys 5000 years into the future
[تحرير] ميتافيزيقيا العصر الجديد
- The Book of Light: The Nature of God, the Structure of Consciousness, and the Universe Within You
- Ellie Crystal's Metaphysical and Science Website
- Metaphysics for the New Age
- Path to Truth
- Physics of Consciousness
- School of Global Ascension
- Enlightenment.com
- Crystal Healing Minerals, Gems, Rocks and more
[تحرير] نقد حركات العصر الجديد
- A Catholic Christian Reflection on the New Age
- The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine
- New Age: False Religion - Islamic criticism
- Quackwatch - Skeptics
- Christian Logos Brief Dictionary of New Age Terminology
- Magical Thinking in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- New Age vs. Vedic tradition
- A New Ager's path to becoming a skeptic
- Dutch skeptic website with articles and links to criticism of a range of New Age topics
- James Randi, skeptic debunker of New Age and occult claims.
- Watchman Fellowship, a ministry of Christian Discernment.
[تحرير] الدراسات الأكاديمية للعصر الجديد
- “Who Buys New Age Materials? Exploring Sociodemographic, Religious, Network, and Contextual Correlates Of New Age Consumption” Mears and Ellison 2000
- "Beyond Millennialism: The New Age Transformed" Melton, Institute for the Study of American Religion
- National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
- Religious Tolerance.org, has a list of academic references and survey sources
- New Age research including a comprehensive timeline, and information from 1800 to the present day...