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या लेखाचा उद्देश संगणक प्रणाली व इतर संदर्भात मराठी व इंग्रजीत नेहमी वापरल्या जाणाऱ्या विशिष्ट संकल्पनांचा आढावा घेणे व नि:संदिग्धिकरण करणे असा आहे.


[संपादन] मुक्‍त

हा शब्द बऱयाच ठिकाणी हिंदी प्रमाणे मुक्त सुद्धा लिहीला जातो.हा शब्द बंधनात नसलेला किंवा मोकळा या अर्थाने वापरला जातो.

  • इतर अर्थांनी मुक्‍त चिंतन,तणाव-मुक्‍त,कार्य मुक्त ,मोक्ष,मुक्‍ती,संकटमुक्त,शोषण मुक्त,व्यसन मुक्त,मुक्ताफळे

[संपादन] स्वतंत्र

दुसर्‍याच्या अधीन नसलेला,नियन्त्रण मुक्त

[संपादन] Open

  • Open systems (computing)[1] are computer systems that provide either interoperability, portability, or freedom from proprietary standards, depending on user's perspective. It can also be defined as a system that allows access by other systems, hence 'open' system.
  • Open Standards[2] are publicly available and implementable standards. By allowing anyone to obtain and implement the standard, they can increase compatibility between various hardware and software components, since anyone with the necessary technical know-how and resources can build products that work together with those of the other vendors that base their designs on the standard (although patent holders may impose "reasonable and non-discriminatory" royalty fees and other licensing terms on implementers of the standard).
  • An open format[3] is a published specification for storing digital data, usually maintained by a non-proprietary standards organization, and free of legal restrictions on use. For example, an open format must be implementable by both proprietary and free/open source software, using the typical licenses used by each. In contrast to open formats, proprietary formats are controlled and defined by private interests. Open formats are a subset of open standards.
  • Open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's sources. Some consider it as a philosophy, and others consider it as a pragmatic methodology. Before open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; the term open source gained popularity with the rise of the Internet and its enabling of diverse production models, communication paths, and interactive communities.[1] Subsequently, open source software became the most prominent face of open source.
  • Open-source software is computer software whose source code is available under a copyright license that permits users to study, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified form. It is the most prominent example of open source development.[4]

[संपादन] Free

  • Free software, as defined by the Free Software Foundation, is software which can be used, copied, studied, modified and redistributed without restriction. Freedom from such restrictions is central to the concept, with the opposite of free software being proprietary software and not software which is sold for profit, commercial software. The usual way for software to be distributed as free software is for the software to be accompanied by a free software license (or be in the public domain), and the source code of the software to be made available (for a compiled language).[5]
  • Freeware is copyrighted computer software which is made available for use free of charge, for an unlimited time, as opposed to shareware where the user is required to pay after some trial period.

Freeware contrasts with free software, because of the different meanings of the word "free". Freeware is described as gratis, as in "free beer", and refers to zero price, versus free software, described as "libre", as in "free speech", which refers to the license freedom. However, many programs are both freeware and free software since they can be downloaded for zero price, provide the source code and are distributed with free software permissions.[6]

[संपादन] निःशुल्क

मोफत, फुकट, विनाशुल्क, विनामूल्य

[संपादन] पहा

[संपादन] संदर्भ