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The liveCD cover
Developer: James Hartman, Shawn Hawkins, Jordan Waite
Latest release: 0.03
Use: Network security tools
License: GPL

PHLAK is a Linux distribution LiveCD based on Morphix, that focuses on providing network security tools. The acronym stands for Professional Hackers Linux Assault Kit. It includes security tools such as nmap, nessus, snort, the coronor's toolkit, ethereal (now called Wireshark), hping2, proxychains, lczroex, ettercap, kismet, hunt, and brutus. There are 4 current versions:

  • PHLAK 0.1,
  • PHLAK 0.2
  • PHLAK 0.3,
  • PHLAK littleboy

The project was put on hold for an indefinite period of time on March 3, 2006, but development was reinitiated as of November 5, 2006.

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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