Category talk:Phobias
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Anyone know the name of fears of specific food items? I've met people afraid of mustard, ketchup and milk. I've been trying to find the name of that, if there is one.
[edit] Some phobias are not phobias at all
Just because a word ends with "phobia" does not make it one. Xenophobia is a sociological phenomenon, not a psychological one. It is not really fear of strangers, bot rather hatred of strangers. AngloPhobia falls under the same category, as do Anti-Italianism and Anti-Christian prejudice... They should be deferred to some other category (prejudice category, maybe?).
I Agree. Ageism is not a phobia. That is the most rediculous thing I've ever seen on Wikipedia.
[edit] Name of a phobia I have?
One of my fears, and I mean my greatest, horrid, fear, and this may sound strange, is total silence. The sound of crickets or the wind will calm me. But when there is no noise whatsoever to speak of, it scares the living shit out of me. I typically sleep with the TV on or a fan running at a very high level to avoid total silence. I know one of the phobias is eversion of noise, but I have the opposite, so what is it called?