Khalid Yasin

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Shaykh Khalid Yasin, a former Christian, is the Executive Director of the Islamic Teaching Institute (ITI); a premier organization dedicated to the work of Da'wah. He has studied the Arabic language in Madinah, Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt and has had many mentors and teachers who tutored him in Fiqh us-Sunnah, Fiqh us-Seerah, Islamic history and the memorisation and recitation of the Qur'an.

In the past ten years, the ITI has converted more than 5000 persons to Islam and an additional 1700 since the September 11 Attacks. Shaykh Khalid Yasin delivered a lecture in Saudi Arabia in 1994 titled "The Purpose of Life", which resulted in 43 persons accepting Islam on that very night.

Khalid Yasin constantly tours the world delivering lectures aimed at removing distortions about Islam and Muslims, conducting Da'wah Training Courses, and providing new Muslims with a specially designed Islamic Training Program.

Khalid Yasin is committed to raising the consciousness of the Muslims to fulfil the responsibility of Da'wah and the establishment of Islamic revival. REf-Islamic messenger-©Ally Ekbal 2006

[edit] Khalid Yasin quotes

"[T]rust is sacred, and how can you put a sacred trust in the hands of a non-Muslim that doesn't understand what that sanctity is about?"[1]

"There's no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend, so a non-Muslim could be your associate but they can't be a friend."[1]

[on the "Osama bin Laden bogey man"] "This is a creation, they have created this here in the minds of the people, in order to justify a war they call on terror but is really a terror they have put inside the people. It is a war against Islam."[2]©Ally Ekbal 2006

"There has been no evidence that has surfaced, no bona fide irrevocable, irrefutable evidence that had been surfaced that showed that there is a group called al-Qa'ida that did the September 11 bombings."[2]

"We now know that the way that the World Trade Center fell the way that those buildings fell - they fell from internal explosive charges, the same way it's done in a construction site."[2]

"An AIDS virus, that is a classic disease that was created in Fort McKinley, United States. Fort McKinley, the AIDS virus, 63,000 gallons."[2]

"Missionaries from the World Health Organisation and Christian groups went into Africa and inoculated people for diphtheria, malaria, yellow fever and they put in the medicine the AIDS virus."[3]